Avoid Integra at all costs!!!


Working for this place was a big mistake! Limited growth, slave wages, a management team severely out of touch with it's employees, no forward thinking, etc. This company carries a significant amount of baggage, and the word on the street is MOSTLY true... heed the warnings and avoid it!

Working for this place was a big mistake! Limited growth, slave wages, a management team severely out of touch with it's employees, no forward thinking, etc. This company carries a significant amount of baggage, and the word on the street is MOSTLY true... heed the warnings and avoid it!

It's only about short term gain in this company. The corporate folks could care less about the employees, they're replaceable. The future is only ten feet ahead of them...

If you have had the fortune to work for Integra for more then two years......uuuuhhhmmm

This is the classic example of best in class, but last in class..............

I hope you make the right move. Everyone is a joke......including the CEO

It's a slow painful death at Integra full of stupidity and lack of leadership. You will go backwards if you work here. Smart people just pass through and mail it in until they find a really good company. If you like being frustrated 24 hours a day apply now.

Here's a taste of classic Integra management from earlier this year! Asked to implement a price rise the manager concerned missed the implementation deadline by 6 weeks. We'd been informed of the price rises at the turn of the year! It went "un-noticed" by his bosses.
It gets worse! Asked to pay Q1 bonuses, you guessed it... the same manager actually let his employees receive their payslips with no notification of bonus non-payment. It was then explained that there hadn't been time to make the transfers & that was someone elses fault! Said 'manager' was happy to take the plaudits on the closing day of the quarter; but couldn't take a few minutes to calculate the bonuses for the individuals who'd got him there!
It's the leadership fundamentals that are lacking at so many levels at Integra! They all just hope and pray that the big bosses (the Board) don't find out......Now is this the kind of company you want to invest your future with? Furthermore, do you really think that this organization is, in any way, going to invest in you?

They do not care about investing in anyone. I once heard you need a sponsor in upper management if you want anything to happen career wise. If your a dude you will need to be a total prick and if you are a chick you better like being on your knees. This is not a professional organization.

They do not care about investing in anyone. I once heard you need a sponsor in upper management if you want anything to happen career wise. If your a dude you will need to be a total prick and if you are a chick you better like being on your knees. This is not a professional organization.

"You better like being on your knees!" has more than a ring of truth to it! Allegedly, a colleague of mine joined the organization and the first thing they were informed of was about a long standing relationship between a married manager and one of their team. As a new hire, and a woman, they felt compromised from the outset! No manager should be allowed to use their salesforce like their personal harem! Senior management needs to get a grip! Horizontal sponsorship works for the boss every time, keeps the employee in a job - regardless of performance, and makes the atmosphere seriously toxic for everyone else. Agreed, not a professional organization.

Working for this place was a big mistake! Limited growth, slave wages, a management team severely out of touch with it's employees, no forward thinking, etc. This company carries a significant amount of baggage, and the word on the street is MOSTLY true... heed the warnings and avoid it!

Currently we're definitely that "creating uncertainty" FUBAR company! Obviously we didn't start out that way - with goals, objectives and longterm strategy apparently sacrificed on the altar of acqusition and short term gain & middle management empire building.
Seemingly our Sales & Marketing organization continues to fail to evolve into something that will really rival any of our competition out there. So we just continue to buy other peoples problems thereby adding to our own.
There are now several, proven & accomplished, senior individuals in Medical Devices S&M who have slipped through Integras hands & are thriving in other companies.
We have to address the fundamentals, work out what the basics really are, find genuine solutions for the 'acquisition indigestion' encourage stability, retain our talent etc, etc.
It's the Occam's Razor principle - All things being equal the simplest solutions are probably best! So for the time being please 'heed the warnings & avoid it!' - it's definitely FUBAR, FUBAR, & FUBAR!

Very sad, but true. Integra was once a place full of opportunity to grow, but that is no longer the case. RUN, like you are on fire! There are people here trying to get fired and collect unemployment because they think it is better than trying to tough it out here. In my 25 year career in MD I have never seen this level of stupidity make it to management at one time.

Nice to see people quit wasteing time and are looking for good jobs at great companies. Things will not change until management is replaced with leadership. Wait and hope as the big company rejects use business buzzwords to sound good but do nothing. Dont drink the nasty koolaid i heard it causes cancer

how's the neuro/spine division? i bumped into one of their reps and she seemed pretty cute, kind of hyper, but not a dummy.

was thinking about pursuing job opportunities with this segment.

Most Integra reps and RMs are sharp, but they are all tired of poor management. Probably the reason there is an opportunity. People are leaving in masses because it just keeps getting worse. If you are out of work it's better than no job at all.

Aside from the request for information about the spine rep, it is clear that 90% of these posts is from the same disgruntled ex-employee who probably got fired for having a bad attitude and a "you owe me" personality. Quit your whining.

Yea, I agree with 11:09. I every once in a while I will scan through these posts, but I see the same jackoffs complaining day in and day out. Here's my advice to you.... If you no longer work for the company, then there's probably a pretty good reason for why the company no longer has you employed. Get over it and focus your energy on getting a new job. If you still work at Integra and you're complaining day after day and you're oh-so-miserable, then you have several options: 1) Quit, 2) Buckle down and create value for yourself so people will promote you instead of you telling everybody you think you need a promotion, or 3) Go work for another medical device company and show THEM how valuable you are. Really, the bottom line is, if you hate it so much, then quit. We don't want you around anyway.