Avastin Leadership


What do we think? Scott, Dave, Mike, Kent, Reema and Suhil! Do they have what it takes? Most of them are rejects from the Tarceva team. Who will save Avastin? I heard they are busy kissing Scott's ass. No wonder shit doesn't get done around here.

I dont know if we have the right leadership for Avastin, Bill please do something.
Scott will be left floundering, as JO is no longer there to prop him up. He is out of his depth. The others, well havent done anything to be there really. Most worked with Scott on the failed ship SS Tarceva. With Kent coming up the political ranks on Avastin and Reema had a stint in CV, what a team you have there Scott....
And Dave, my goodness, what an example of an incompetetent, little man with a chip on his shoulder. I have never met a man who contributes nothing strategically, but has got to where he is by his political ties and cunning ability to network and stab people in the back to get to where he is. Great role model!

Gotta admit you have to give some respect for what Tattoo has achieved in the last few years, both in sales (never achieved any budget) and marketing (took sabbatical when Tarceva launched).
Convincing his management that he actually works and gets things done (when we all know he takes credit for the team he is babysitting) is not easy to do.
This politician is ruthless, so I respect him for that. However I have a question which needs to be answered, how does he ge away with it, when he rarely gives you a straight answer and never responds to emails?

Reema was never one to bring value when she was on the CV team. In fact, the CV team consisted of Dom. Period....full stop. He as a great guy and a wonderful leader but he could not hire worth a crap. At least he took the money and ran away at teh perfect time.

They all suck...but they all will make a bigger bonus that all of us. That's should make us all sick!!

What about the cunning, sly, prick Mike Jones?? He's takes the cake. I hear he just passes on the buck and never does any work. His peers are fed up of him too.

Reema is a wall flower. I never understood why they brought her back. She was best left in the non-oncology part of Roche.

Sushil...who the hell is he. What does he do? Can someone please explain it to me. There is so much dead weight on this team. Let's trim the fat in the home office first. We all know they get paid more than we do.

Dave...jellyless, back stabber who is out for himself. Can't blame the man. That's how most senior leader get to where they are.

Scott is the only good thing going for that team!!

Reema was never one to bring value when she was on the CV team. In fact, the CV team consisted of Dom. Period....full stop. He as a great guy and a wonderful leader but he could not hire worth a crap. At least he took the money and ran away at teh perfect time.

Well Scott is responsible for the team, as he built it.
So that being said he is not blameless.
He has hired in most of his old team from the tarceva days and the performance there speaks for itself.
I cannot wait for the dribble to come out of Dave's mouth at SAM and NSM.
He is certainly out for himself and a master of avoiding any work.
With all of our recent challenges, I am so inspired to be apart of the Avastin team...........

Coming from someone posting what you "heard" about somebody on an anonymous website on a Friday during work hours, it only reveals the type of coward and leader you are. At least they have the guts to go for it, you Monday night quarterback. What team do you lead ?

Compared to some leaders before on Avastin, the majority of folks I know feel like we are much improved now. Maybe you are just another home office person who is bitter that you didn't get one of Scott's jobs when the new regime came in, and this is where you come to, ironically, accuse others of backstabbing. Get to work or do us a favor and go somewhere else with your sniveling

Other than skulk around and keep his subordinates in the dark as to which sneaky scheme he is plotting, what does Santos actually do ?
He certainly does not respond to our emails.
What an inspiration.....

I have not laughed so much in ages.
Heard that Tattoo was running scared after Miller, his protector left the compamy. Can see why....
Scott wont look after him, as he is probably looking out for himself given JO has departed and Avastin flagship is beyond help.

Coming from someone posting what you "heard" about somebody on an anonymous website on a Friday during work hours, it only reveals the type of coward and leader you are. At least they have the guts to go for it, you Monday night quarterback. What team do you lead ?

Compared to some leaders before on Avastin, the majority of folks I know feel like we are much improved now. Maybe you are just another home office person who is bitter that you didn't get one of Scott's jobs when the new regime came in, and this is where you come to, ironically, accuse others of backstabbing. Get to work or do us a favor and go somewhere else with your sniveling

You must be one of the yahoo's on the Avastin leader-less team. Why don't you do some work for a change instead of beating down on the sales force. As far as heresay us concerned, I've worked for Tatoo personally and I can attest to all the comments above. Go ask any Avastin person and they will agree.

Susil and Reema...

I heard they are hooking up?? She has terrible taste if she's tapping that. She should be aiming for Scott. Now that's delicious candy. Who cares if he works or not.

Did anyone else get a new mgr that is clueless. My new mgr cares about making sure you have filled out all of you paper work and all the other processes that are in place and that is all. Stay home and do paper work... My mgr knows nothing about what it is to sell anything and it is sad..

When will you people open your eyes and ask the question, why is our company being destroyed, for what reason. Who benifits?

Why is this happening to all the major corperations and developed countrys of the world at the same time.

The answer is that the powers that be, the so called "new world order", wants to crash the developed worlds assets and buy them up for pennys on the dollar. In fact they intend for there to be no more dollar very soon. It will die from the inflation that will come in the next 6 months or so.

Roche management has no idea what they are doing, they are just following orders, the roche family is connected at the highest level with the new world order and they intend to have their part in buying up the assets of the planet for penneys.

What is happening with roche and genentech is just a very small part of the evil that intends to rob you of the life and the freedom you have grown up with.

Look around, every major industry in this country has been destroyed in just the last several years. What was the reason, what was the pay off and to whom???

There is no visable winner, the only winner is the evil thats wants our enconomic base and all the other developed countrys of the world destroyed, so that their assects can be bought up for pennys on the dollar.

Did you know that Greece is turning over their island over to goldman saches to pay off debt they don't even owe. Did you know that individuals directors are taking personal position of these assets. This theft is destroying our country as well.

Please wake up and understand roche is only a very small part of the evil that is takeing over the developed world, but the model should be clear to see, you live it every day.

Damn some Basel Nostradamus must be smoking crack posting New World Order crap. Dude gently put away that pipe. Whatever you're smoking its totally not good for you. You must think that you just posted some genius shit?! Read again when the high view away, then you'll end up smoking some more. Wait I here someone yelling...... "The plane, the plane!" Oh sorry its just Tattoo.

Can't wait for tattoo's dribble at NSM.....Will he stand on a box so we can see him? Do we really have to hear him try and motivate us with pom poms, talk of low hanging fruit, Honey snacks, or be inspired by videos of his kids riding skateboards without helmets? I feel I need a bath every time he shakes my hand. No sincerity, he's only out for himself.