augusta medical systems

I was offered a position with this company at a base pay of 30k. I would like to know how many hours per day I should expect to work realistically, how many miles per day I should expect to drive, and how difficult it is to sell the product. I would also like to know how many patients are knowledgeable about the claims brought against the company by the FDA. I also saw that you can be subject to financial liability for quitting before two years on the following payment schedule:
before 6 months: $30k
before 1 year after six months: $20k
before 18 months, after 1 year: $10k
before 2 years, after 18 months: $5k
Can/will they hold you responsible using this schedule?

If someone could answer these questions for me I would greatly appreciate it.


My advice - dont take a job that you're plannin on leaving in less than 2 years. It looks bad on your resume. I don't hire peope that have several jobs less than two years. It tells me that you're already looking for another job after I invested money into training you. This company is VERY entry level. Only take it if you have no sales exp.

yes you will sell penis pumps, and if you're not mature enough or professional enough to not get over the product, then you aren't cut out for medical sales period. you realize after a week that it's not as weird as you think and you will help a lot of patients that are having a tough time not responding to other therapies. Also, you will gain some awesome experience as a rep, and lets face it, if this is the kind of position you're interviewing for, you have absolutely no experience and you need this job. You will learn how to talk to docs, and how to win over gatekeepers, and convert business (since Timm medical bought Augusta's old device Erectaid and took with it a lot of business). Company is okay, management is good, but the reason they don't keep ppl, is that there is no opportunity to grow, if you live somewhere cheap, you could make it work, but they low ball you terrible. 30K in california, then they counter with 33K, yeah not happening. They say 60K first year, no way, more like 40, if you can do over 20K/month in sales you might do about 500 bucks commission. Car allowance is good at 650, but they only let you re-imburse 1 wk of mileage/month and it's only at 35 cents/mile. You will drive like crazy b/c you need to sell a lot of systems to hit quota. Also you have to do all the mileage by hand, really annoying and takes forever to get things rolling. If you have kaiser facilities in your state prepare to take it in the ass for 1/4 the price and see a million patients a day. The only person who makes money is michael osbon. If you take a position, be ready to work your ass off, b/c you will be working 12 hour days if you want to be on the top of the leaderboard. When you finally think you're done, a patient calls you and you have to answer b/c they will bitch to their uro if you don't. After doing this job i will say this, if you can succeed here, you can succeed anywhere and my efforts paid off.

I started with Augusta Medical over 6 years ago. I used this opportunity as a stepping stone to a better position with another medical device company. I learned a lot about establishing relationships with doctors and their office personnel and gained insight into how to present myself and my company to compete successfully. I am now earning in excess of 140,000 / yr. and usually earn a trip to some exotic place like Hawaii or the Virgin Islands every year. You will quickly find out if sales is right for you.