Attune Tibia issue

There is nothing in what you say because the Australia results for Attune are in line with Sigma and LCS. They have no reason to hide anything. Maybe you just have to accept that you have to take 50 Attune tibia loosenings a month on MAUDE and realize that is the denominator and that the numerator is nearly 20 thousand so it is 0.25% of Attunes sold.

People can call bullshit, but I see commercials on TV saying ATTUNE loosening issues all day long now. If you live in a snowbird heavy area you will see heavy advertising for attune lawsuits this winter. Depuy has no option but try and market direct to consumer, hard when just one snowbird ruins it for the neighborhood. Wait until a whistleblower steps up and dumps what they have, seems to happen with every implant in question last 10 years with Depuy. If I had any emails or knowledge of what was known when with attune I would blow that whistle hard as I could. Plenty enough money you will get to move on in life.

Big distributors and reps leaving every month it seems...why? These are long time Depuy guys with big business in place. They all know that a big Attune lawsuit is coming and they’re outa here early. Everyone here knows it’s coming soon!! Old employees, reps, and distributors have been contacted and are getting ready now.

Big distributors and reps leaving every month it seems...why? These are long time Depuy guys with big business in place. They all know that a big Attune lawsuit is coming and they’re outa here early. Everyone here knows it’s coming soon!! Old employees, reps, and distributors have been contacted and are getting ready now.

I’ve seen this in my territory as well. 3 reps with combined 35 years left within 4 months. Not bringing any surgeons with them either. Not all with the same company. Only a couple pockets in my whole state with DePuy sales anymore. Might have not option but to go repless.

The company stores and distributors know what is happening. The leadership is gearing up for a fight and the ones that have left are the smart ones that landed deals early on. Never in the history of this company have there been so many big hitters leave around the same time!

Big distributors and reps leaving every month it seems...why? These are long time Depuy guys with big business in place. They all know that a big Attune lawsuit is coming and they’re outa here early. Everyone here knows it’s coming soon!! Old employees, reps, and distributors have been contacted and are getting ready now.

How many distributors have left? How many big reps have left? If the people that left, where did the majority go? It’s getting pretty hard to continue to get bet up on the primary knee side while having a distributor who refuses to contribute anything to the territory. Our distributor in the south is literally nickel and diming us on everything now. It’s pretty sad

Cementing titanium trays works GREAT. Nexgen is the best performing knee in the Australian register and the Sigma trays that are out 15 years are also titanium.

There is nothing wrong with the LCS or Triathlon data though and they are both Cobalt chrome.

So cocr works and ti works.

Correct. But Attune 1.0 does NOT work. You don't do a running design change on a brand new knee in the first few years if there isn't a problem.

They CAN"T recall the Attune knee. It would cripple their new brand to the point of no recovery. But they can launch a new tibial baseplate designed to mask problems.

Cementing titanium trays works GREAT. Nexgen is the best performing knee in the Australian register and the Sigma trays that are out 15 years are also titanium.

There is nothing wrong with the LCS or Triathlon data though and they are both Cobalt chrome.

So cocr works and ti works.

I can't wait to see the elevator door adverts for Attune at AAHKS this year (the ones where we brag about results from the UK joint registry).

At 5 years, the following knees are better than Attune in terms of revision rate: ACS, Advance MP, AGC, Columbus, Genesis II, IBII, Kinemax, LCS, Legion, Maxim, MRK, Natural, Nexgen, PFC Sigma, Scorpio, TC Plus, Triathlon and Vanguard.

Isn't our R&D awesome!