Attn ex-Sanofi Reps: Did Novo share this during the interview?

Gimme a break. That's for the FDA to decide, not NNI. If they approve the drug, then our job is to go sell a shitload of it. If the CV risk is too high, then it won't get approved. Quit trying to pretend that we try to promote drugs that aren't safe. I'm sorry that our company does very well and your doesn't. That doesn't mean we're doing things wrong and you're doing them right. Grow up and realize that some companies have better products and are better run than others. That's why we kick your ass.

Oh yeah, pre-mix is a better product! Oh yeah, that's why my Endos Rx Lantus 90% of the time - it's because Levemir is such a great product!

The CV risk means it will do more than kick people's ass - it means more risk of kicking the bucket.

Typical arrogance of a Novo rep...we'll sell a boat load of product, who cares about the CV risk.

It's not a matter of conjecture about the FDA panel, it's about the CV risk in the data.

What about insulin use causes CV risk? HYPO

If Tresiba has lower risk of severe hypo events (which it does), then the CV risk will be less than Lantus, Levemir and Lantus renamed aka Toujeo.

The only reason the FDA took so long to approve Tresiba is because Corrupt AF Sanofi paid the FDA more to keep a superior product off the market longer so they'd have more time to come up with a competitive product to Tresiba. Sanofi sucks.

What about insulin use causes CV risk? HYPO

If Tresiba has lower risk of severe hypo events (which it does), then the CV risk will be less than Lantus, Levemir and Lantus renamed aka Toujeo.

The only reason the FDA took so long to approve Tresiba is because Corrupt AF Sanofi paid the FDA more to keep a superior product off the market longer so they'd have more time to come up with a competitive product to Tresiba. Sanofi sucks.
LOL Have some more Novo Kool-Aid. Oh, wait. You've had a little too much, rube.

What about insulin use causes CV risk? HYPO

If Tresiba has lower risk of severe hypo events (which it does), then the CV risk will be less than Lantus, Levemir and Lantus renamed aka Toujeo.

The only reason the FDA took so long to approve Tresiba is because Corrupt AF Sanofi paid the FDA more to keep a superior product off the market longer so they'd have more time to come up with a competitive product to Tresiba. Sanofi sucks.

What about insulin use causes CV risk? HYPO

If Tresiba has lower risk of severe hypo events (which it does), then the CV risk will be less than Lantus, Levemir and Lantus renamed aka Toujeo.

The only reason the FDA took so long to approve Tresiba is because Corrupt AF Sanofi paid the FDA more to keep a superior product off the market longer so they'd have more time to come up with a competitive product to Tresiba. Sanofi sucks.
Seems all the smoke and mirrors has come back to bite them in the ass. The towns folks seem to be grabbing their pitchforks! Godspeed!