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Attention AZ management: "Fine" doesn't mean OK

Separation of powers doesn't have anything to do with parties, but a balance between the executive, the legislative and the judicial bodies. This balance has shifted some but lately the executive has been the strongest with judicial activism from both liberal and conservative sides. "Citizens United' was considered conservative activism as it allowed more corporate money into politics. If you think that's a good thing then that's your right, but the founders would have disagreed. Look it up. Jefferson in particular was concerned with the power of corporation in the early 19th century. The fledgling US government was reeling from a war caused in part by the corporate interest of the East India company. The East India Company was given a monopoly on the importation of tea in 1773. That was a big catalyst in starting the Revolutionary War.

Again, you are an idiot. You are blaming me for being a typical partisan liberal whatever that means. You are a typical knuckle dragger who definitely needs to go to school to understand what you are talking about. And why did you bring up Bush, I didn't.

What AZ did in promoting Seroquel illegally was not exactly slip on a banana peel. They did it deliberately, and with intent. That's why they paid over $1,000,000,000.00 in fines with more to come. They did not settle because they were innocent but to stop bigger payments through the courts.

Careful there Skippy, AZ settles cases because if they should actually go to trial and lose they will never get another gov't contract and without the gov't contracts you can turn the lights out and lock the door, game over. But don't fret, you lack of understanding judicial litigation does not make you a "knuckle dragger", just uninformed. Happy St. Pat's

Well Sparky, the only reason AZ settles is because they will lose. The government allows them to settle and then puts them on a CIA. Guilty corporations don't settle. Jails are full of "innocent" people. You're blaming the courts instead of the perpetrators. I saw Seroquel off label marketing from the beginning, guilty as charged.

Careful there Skippy, AZ settles cases because if they should actually go to trial and lose they will never get another gov't contract and without the gov't contracts you can turn the lights out and lock the door, game over. But don't fret, you lack of understanding judicial litigation does not make you a "knuckle dragger", just uninformed. Happy St. Pat's

I dunno... On this one I'm kinda leaning with the fella who says the bigger payment if you lose the trial theory. We're talkin' a whole lotta Semoleons and it's cheaper to settle out of court. Plus they always toss out the - we didn't do anything wrong - "nyeah nyeah you can't catch me." disclaimer. Reminds me of Bart Simpson - I didn't do it. It wasn't me.

Man up pussies.

I dunno... On this one I'm kinda leaning with the fella who says the bigger payment if you lose the trial theory. We're talkin' a whole lotta Semoleons and it's cheaper to settle out of court. Plus they always toss out the - we didn't do anything wrong - "nyeah nyeah you can't catch me." disclaimer. Reminds me of Bart Simpson - I didn't do it. It wasn't me.

Man up pussies.
There are so many examples of this at AZ. The whole Jupiter fiasco is not over either. I hope it has MT and LN nervous as hell. Just like Watergate, they tried to shove the blame onto others, Canning, Bonnell and a few helpless RSDs, DSMs, and PSSs. But in the end they will go down as the real culprits who orchestrated and blessed the entire strategy. Karma is a wonderful thing and many will cheer when those two are get theirs.

As the Germans at Nuremburg said, "I was just following orders...and doing my job." Well, you guys are no better than them - you just did your job. So what if it ruined a "few" lives, or killed a "few" people...it wasn't your choice or your desent that mattered anyways...right!

So what...a few million dollars here and there solves it all. No need to care or fret about the damage done, it's all taken care-of now, and you and your crew can keep on doing the same again. Tomorrow is another day...or is it?

There are many that DID NOT FOLLOW ORDERS and talk about off label issues even though their DSMs wanted them too. Many are no longer with AZ. Weeded out during th '09 layoff. Unfortunately, off label encouragement from Managers and peers never in writing so no way to hold them accountable. Karma is a wonderful thing. They will get their due at some point. Not selling your soul and doing what is right is the way to go. Even if you end up unemployed. Why work for and with such people?

As the Germans at Nuremburg said, "I was just following orders...and doing my job." Well, you guys are no better than them - you just did your job. So what if it ruined a "few" lives, or killed a "few" people...it wasn't your choice or your desent that mattered anyways...right!

So what...a few million dollars here and there solves it all. No need to care or fret about the damage done, it's all taken care-of now, and you and your crew can keep on doing the same again. Tomorrow is another day...or is it?

Dude, little histrionic don't ya think?

Dude, little histrionic don't ya think?

How many of you whining losers are we going to have to fire until you get the hint? We're in charge here -- we answer to NO ONE! Have you noticed who's still raking in the big paychecks? If Uncle Sam gives us any trouble, we'll buy him off (he's for sale, you see. How how many Corporate Integrity Agreements can one company get? It's a joke). The shares have been doing nada for over a decade, so do you think the shareholders really matter? (They don't). We run this ship, we decide who stays employed, and if you're a good little minion you'll keep getting yours. If not, they're lined up for your BS job.

So shut the hell up and show a better attitude. We want people on the team when they click the boxes in front of the prescribers.

People still employed in Sales at AZ should re read the previous post and if they have any amount of integrity, confidence, self worth, LEAVE ASAP. What the poster said is so true. Get out.