Atlanta RD Opening

How many times have I heard Rockville say they’ll never use contract reps because they’re not as loyal and Supernus likes to take care of their own. I’ll believe it when I see it

But isn’t the use of the contract sales force taking care of their own? Also I’ve been here a while and never heard anything about “never using contract reps.” I’m confused by what you see that I don’t.

How many times have I heard Rockville say they’ll never use contract reps because they’re not as loyal and Supernus likes to take care of their own. I’ll believe it when I see it

Painfully obvi that you fail to understand as always! You question every decision made and are very open about it. It’s bode really well for you has it not? Heavy ass sarcasm. So obvious who this is it isn’t funny. Everyone around you is questioning why you’re still here mr. I have another job lined up come January tick tock. At least try to mask yourself.

Painfully obvi that you fail to understand as always! You question every decision made and are very open about it. It’s bode really well for you has it not? Heavy ass sarcasm. So obvious who this is it isn’t funny. Everyone around you is questioning why you’re still here mr. I have another job lined up come January tick tock. At least try to mask yourself.

I’ll save this angry guy the hassle of responding: “What I do understand is that Rockville stole from me. I worked my butt off 20 hours a week to earn that inflated market share growth. I’m not happy and I want everyone else to be not happy with me. Update your resume folks.”

P.S. this is in no way directed to the good reps who actually worked hard and were negatively effected by the bonus adjustment.

But isn’t the use of the contract sales force taking care of their own? Also I’ve been here a while and never heard anything about “never using contract reps.” I’m confused by what you see that I don’t.

I'm with you on this one! I've been here a long time and never once heard this...The only thing I've ever heard is that they would take care of us and make sure that they have us as their main focus and using contract reps sounds like that's going to do that... I'd rather have my job safe

Painfully obvi that you fail to understand as always! You question every decision made and are very open about it. It’s bode really well for you has it not? Heavy ass sarcasm. So obvious who this is it isn’t funny. Everyone around you is questioning why you’re still here mr. I have another job lined up come January tick tock. At least try to mask yourself.
Oh really?? You know who I am? Lol love how somebody keeps saying this to people. Not threatening or intimidating in the least

I'm with you on this one! I've been here a long time and never once heard this...The only thing I've ever heard is that they would take care of us and make sure that they have us as their main focus and using contract reps sounds like that's going to do that... I'd rather have my job safe
I can say I have heard this. Maybe it was just during the VV era. Everything changed when he left.

Listen people be thankful Supernus is treading cautiously and thinking of the safety of their current employees jobs. Also look at this for what it is, Supernus obviously fears that 812 could be a dud and max out at $50M per year. Any way you look at it staying at Supernus is a risk, but what company doesn't have risks?

Listen people be thankful Supernus is treading cautiously and thinking of the safety of their current employees jobs. Also look at this for what it is, Supernus obviously fears that 812 could be a dud and max out at $50M per year. Any way you look at it staying at Supernus is a risk, but what company doesn't have risks?

Agreed. Coming on with Supernus has always been a risk/reward decision. 812, with delays and less than stellar data, does feel more risky than before but could also get into the market and make a huge impact as a go to non stimulant with antidepressant qualities. I personally know 2 parents of children diagnosed with ADHD who are very hesitant to start on stimulant therapy and haven’t had any luck on non stim options. And that’s just my small circle. So all this is to say while risky, if 812 works for even 1/5 patients we will be in great shape to cash in on the reward side of Supernus.

I can say I have heard this. Maybe it was just during the VV era. Everything changed when he left.
I’ve heard this from my RD many times, but everything changes.

812 isn’t my worry, it’s the lack of pipeline after that. 812 is going to be just an okay drug in a flooded, old market. But then what after that? I worry about sustainability and feel like common sense says we can’t float forever on what we’ve got. We joke about drinking the koolaid here, but isn’t that what those of us who stayed are doing? Just food for thought.

I’ve heard this from my RD many times, but everything changes.

812 isn’t my worry, it’s the lack of pipeline after that. 812 is going to be just an okay drug in a flooded, old market. But then what after that? I worry about sustainability and feel like common sense says we can’t float forever on what we’ve got. We joke about drinking the koolaid here, but isn’t that what those of us who stayed are doing? Just food for thought.

Maybe not true for me but I like to think that at least my colleagues are smart enough to know the difference between corporate koolaid and real business circumstances. You are right to be concerned about longevity based on the current pipeline but the runway is still pretty long. The fact is if you are successful enough as a pharma company you can buy your way into a future pipeline. That's why we aren't cash burning that nearly 1B in the bank. I know its hard for some to understand that even when you have a substantial amount of savings it doesn't mean you spend irresponsibly in the present. You can call it drinking koolaid, but based on our current position I really do think we are going about setting up the future of this company in the right way.

They’ve never had to work here Roy lol

Lol called out. I’m a rep that’s still positive on the future of Supernus. Advice to any RD or home office peeps - stay away from these boards. You do nothing but further the gap and distrust between reps and leadership. Let us fight the battle against our disgruntled peers.