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At Alcon: Another subtle layoff initiative to eliminate mature, more highly paid men.


Once you know how insincere the upper management is at Alcon the better prepared to play their game you will be.
The very fake Kristen is cleaning up the “corp favors” that the last insincere VP had established. Lisa’s ineptness is obvious within Vision Care. But her reward was a promotion to Pharma. lol, typical. So that left Kristen to clean up her messes while furthering her own agenda of protect women while eliminating men in higher positions!
Just investigate the latest Marlo “spin” and take note to whose positions were eliminated and what person (evil woman by all standards) was given another position!
Facts don’t lie


Deke (pronounced “Dick” as in “dickhead”) absolutely got what was coming to him!

As for Lisa, Kristen and Megan….three narcissistic leaders that pump Ozempic into themselves to try to hold on to the “glory days”! Headline-not working!

Advice to us still here-understand the rules and get what you can from this company because they are in it for themselves, so we should be too!

Companies are always wise to cut people with leadership titles who are patsies and really bad types that fake and cause chaos and play games. Most of those types are lazy slobs and everyone knows it. Most of them are big sobs that many despise and never did much but push paper from side to side and pretend to work. Many of them wear granny panties of truth be told. Even some of the women

Seen so many longtime people get axed in recent months. Notice not a blip in sales? Makes you wonder what thecguck did those regards do and no one has missed them the business didn’t miss a beat. Is anyone surprised? Nigel and me sure ain’t. Time to cut another 100 loose and see sales go way way up. Am I wrong?

Can contact lens people actually communicate any skills or value in an interview? Wtf. There ain’t no selling skills and giving $800 rebates on a $400 retail purchase to move product. Just not seeing much of value that translates in market. Poor work ethic and nothing to offer another employer

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