Astellas contract

You know, it sounds great on paper. Good base, ok bonus, car allowance. But if you look at the stats of the people that left, it speaks volumes. There is a 60%+ turnover.
Without getting all specific, its pretty unethical and they you are treated like dirt.

You know, it sounds great on paper. Good base, ok bonus, car allowance. But if you look at the stats of the people that left, it speaks volumes. There is a 60%+ turnover.
Without getting all specific, its pretty unethical and they you are treated like dirt.

That doesn't surprise me. I interviewed for a position in the North East a few months ago exaggeration....the biggest Douche I've ever met. I'd had a LOT of interviews over the years, have worked for Big Pharma and contract sales for a number of years...but this guy was the worst. I think his name was Dave; but not sure. I don't think I could have worked for that combative idiot.

That doesn't surprise me. I interviewed for a position in the North East a few months ago exaggeration....the biggest Douche I've ever met. I'd had a LOT of interviews over the years, have worked for Big Pharma and contract sales for a number of years...but this guy was the worst. I think his name was Dave; but not sure. I don't think I could have worked for that combative idiot.


Did you meet the wicked witch of the north east?

Is it true... did people get rolled over this week? If so... is there a pay increase, company car, etc.. any info... Also why didn't everyone get rolled over yet.... those who got hired this winter/spring are we last?

Contact is over, either you got rolled in, lost your job or have to re-interview for your position with Astelles. Not sure of the totals of who actually got interviews vs who was laid off.

Whats the difference what perks you get, you'll have a job or you won't. Most people that need a job will be thankful they have it. From what I heard you get a car and a small increase, not like they are going to triple your salary and give you a sports car. If you're looking for that, go play the lotto, you'll have more of a chance at getting some "PERKS" there...Pharma sales jobs are out the door... and in a few years with no new drugs you'll be lucky to even have one.

For those that got rolled over does the position look more stable or our layoffs going to continue? Also what happened to the folks that just got hired- were a majority of them rolled over /were they told at hiring they were going to be? Any of the reps at this past spring training please respond... thanks

The positions posted are for those Publicis employees that were re-interviewed and NOT kept. Astellas still needs to load up these area's with Reps, so they are open positions. You would be working for Astellas at that point, not with Publicis.


Did you meet the wicked witch of the north east?

No, I didn't have the pleasur. Lol. Just the two male DM's who interviewed me. The Astellas DM seemed very cool and sharp. The Publicis guy--just an ass. I understand the being a tough guy routine and seeing how you handle adversity in an interview; but this guy legitimately just seemed like a Dick. I think he had a chip on his shoulder because he was only a contract DM.

The positions posted are for those Publicis employees that were re-interviewed and NOT kept. Astellas still needs to load up these area's with Reps, so they are open positions. You would be working for Astellas at that point, not with Publicis.

What is the new pay and car going to be? Also is this no longer a contract once with astellas or is there still an end?

Can someone please clarify the Astellas contract (or lack there of)? I live in the Midwest and I have seen an Astellas opening (not contract) posted in a city near me for the past month or two. Then, the first week in June, I noticed a posting for PSSG/Astellas. If the contract is allegedly over, why would Publicis be posting for positions with Astellas? If anyone can shed some light on this situation, I would really appreciate it! Thx, in advance!