Assistant opportunity for Surgical Division and ACMI

I am a rep in a sorrounding territory and I kick Ligasures butt. Harmonic is the real competitor in Gen Surg but we will be there in early 08 with a "Harmonic Killer". SurgRx has a little play but only two products open and lap. Valley is in with Triad "pushing" accounts to convert to a generator that is unreliable and is always down.

Gyrus is here to stay...growing and getting BIGGER!

Hey! MC great guy(?!). Some of the things I have heard come down from him are going to be very interesting. Revolutionary products coming next year. I should make a shit load over and above what I already do !!!! Problems will be hanging on to territory and not splitting it up.

To these Gyrus reps on here, were any of your territories new when you started, and if so, how long did it take for you to make a serius impact? I am looking to join, but would be leaving a surgical position where the money is pretty good, but not great.

took over a territory at 280k did 600k first year then 900k then 1.4 then 2.6 last year and will do 3.2 this year. I have the top $ territory in the country. What r u looking at? Is it a texas terr?

Thanks! No, it is not a TX is a part of TN (without getting too specific). Do you have any info on this territory? If so, what type of potential do you think it has.

I am interveiwing for the TN territory next week. I had heard there was a girl (Alison?) who tore it up. I was told they want to try something new with this position. Very high base...$90K ish and this position was a stepping stone to RSD. Commision same program ~20% what I was told. That got my attention.

Which division and area, because you may have been told wrong. This does not sound like the surgical division. Commission on generators around 30% and 8-12% on disposables.

Hey Gyrus clowns get read for the Landman clinical that just got released. Claims 8mm thermal spread GYN's gonna drop off like flies already seeing it happen. Enjoy getting hammmered in 08 by ligasure and new Harmonic Ace.

Pretty funny on the ethicon funded landman study.....Ligasure shouldn't be showing it off because it states the Ligasure V has 4.5 and 6.3 mm of thermal spread while they only claim 1.5mm. Results for the gyrus trissector were stated that it was a prototype model and the newest version is far superior to prototype. How could someone even take results on a prototype seriously.....

All you guys can try and pass out this paper and hope to get our GYN business as we make 2-4x as much as you make.

Wait till next year when we make our acquisition and you come begging for jobs

forget the big bucks dude...didn't you hear that Gyrus was acquired by Olympus. You may make some money this year but welcome to our world next year - April. Commissions cut to minimum. You will be cut off at the knees....