ASD bullying me and made a mistake, what would you do?


My ASD and RBM are pretty jerky. They have literally lied and made things up on coaching reports. My ASD did it again a week ago. I was sent an "accountability" email that contained RX data from a PDRP opt out physician. I feel that is lacking in integrity. I shouldn't have that data. What would you do?

My ASD and RBM are pretty jerky. They have literally lied and made things up on coaching reports. My ASD did it again a week ago. I was sent an "accountability" email that contained RX data from a PDRP opt out physician. I feel that is lacking in integrity. I shouldn't have that data. What would you do?
I would thank them, they are providing insight that may help improve your overall performance. Be astute and make adjustments based on the intel.

I would thank them, they are providing insight that may help improve your overall performance. Be astute and make adjustments based on the intel.

OP are you seriously worried about an ethical violation? Why? We have no ethics in this business. Your ASD may be in violation of PDRP and your company may be subject to fines, but why would you be THE GUY who makes it happen. Take their bullying as a form of coaching. Even if they don't make sense or anything.

OP are you seriously worried about an ethical violation? Why? We have no ethics in this business. Your ASD may be in violation of PDRP and your company may be subject to fines, but why would you be THE GUY who makes it happen. Take their bullying as a form of coaching. Even if they don't make sense or anything.
Don’t listen to this. Lack of ethics need to be challenged. How? Document, document, document everything. If you want to stay in the business you’re going to have to toughen up. Document so you can take it to HR for companies that care (not many) and lawyers who do care for their share of the $$ of a settlement if you get fired.

The top reps in my company could easily go to prison ( no joke, not just CP bluster ) for what they do in the field. Only top reps get promoted , so the greedy cheat. The greedy then rise and become your shitty boss.

What to do then. Document, document, document. Then have the balls to lawyer up. Lawyers love pharma reps because pharma loves to pay out quick settlements. A quick buck for the lawyer, a quick buck for the rep and the pharma company buries the problem and fires the manager.

Document, document, document: record calls, save texts, write down peer conversation details with dates, specifics and times, and of course save all emails where the greedy burn themselves.

Fight the greedy.