
I love seeing the smiling faces of the Arthrocare Reps in my territory who still think that they'll have a job in a few months...thanks for the H/C wands and the suture passer!

I love seeing the smiling faces of the Arthrocare Reps in my territory who still think that they'll have a job in a few months...thanks for the H/C wands and the suture passer!

After the acquisition is complete, these Arthrocare reps will be new S&N employees.
Perhaps.... it will be OLD S&N reps that will go....

Hmmm-mmm....which reps .... S&N new or S&N old ?

After the acquisition is complete, these Arthrocare reps will be new S&N employees.
Perhaps.... it will be OLD S&N reps that will go....

Hmmm-mmm....which reps .... S&N new or S&N old ?

You're sadly mistaken. Will some reps catch on? Sure but the majority of reps will get the axe. As with any company, if you have deep surgeon connections odds are they'll find a spot for you but if you're simply pushing wands than see ya later. If you have a ton of anchor biz than you got a small shot. This is a takeover NOT a merger folks, remember that.

Hey there-I overheard a call today about comp.Do not expect to get paid on accounts that were in place at the close of the expedite a ROI we will all make fractional comp.Why did I think this would be good? Remind me.


Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service ours.
You will become part of the collective under our queen.

The bungling of this ill-conceived takeover could be the linchpin leading to final undoing of this once proud company. At the very least it will result in the overthrow of the current regime of bumbling idiots. These numb nuts could screw up a wet dream…literally

This could be a great move, but how S&N integrates it will be key, I'm not sold, we have so much potential here at S&N that is not being utilized. If somebody in upper management would just figure out how to make this company work we would not have to go out and buy up other companies.