
Wow, coblation patents expiring at the pay 15 times earnings? Every sports med company already has a home grown coblation device in development. So they bought ARTC for its sports med line? Maybe their ENT products? Good move if the acquisition had taken place 5 years ago when ARTC dipped to $2 a share, but today this is a huge misstep.

This is a decent move, considering the players that run S&N and S&N's previous history with acquisitions.

S&N and a corp. with a felony under it's belt... Sounds about right.

They are buying market share. Simple as that. Yes, RF patent expires soon but they are the market leader, by buying them now you are the market leader. I'll immediately pick up a few hundred k in ablation. Throw in a couple anchors to boot.. It's not my money, so it's a good move.

Previous posters are right: Way overpaid for what is essentially a commodity. S&N is slipping in all business segments. They are a little late putting their cash stock pile to work.

Never been impressed with Arthrocare ENT. Growing at 1.3% in a market place where companies like Medtronic and Olympus are growing double digits in ENT. Everyone is questioning the Arthrocare acquistion of ENTrigue. What a bad move?

Saw a couple of their guys today. No idea how fucked they are...

I agree, one said today she thinks S&N will go independent reps now that they are acquiring an independent sales force. She has no clue, this isn't a merger, it's a takeover. Will some hang on? Sure, but most are toast. I don't think we need your help selling wands...

I'm sure this deal wasn't made over night. You don't even have to go back more than 3 months and their stock was in the 30s. If this deal has been in the works for months than the initial offer was good enough for them to accept. Right ?
If you purchase a home and it takes the seller 3 months to move the seller can't come back and say the markets better, you owe more...

Good example there. If you've ever bought or sold a house, you know anything can happen until you close the deal. Get a little bit of earnest money, or give it up... No big deal.

We'll see what their board proposes to their shareholders. I guarantee they are taking meetings with anyone that can remotely have a chance at putting a credible offer together.

Remember when S&N thought they had Sulzer? Biomet I? Biomet II? When they had JnJ looking at them? No deal in all cases.

Stick to Blue Sky, Plus, LifeMod. Those seem to be more of your style.

I agree, one said today she thinks S&N will go independent reps now that they are acquiring an independent sales force. She has no clue, this isn't a merger, it's a takeover. Will some hang on? Sure, but most are toast. I don't think we need your help selling wands...

by "most are toast" you mean the sales reps ?

Remaining Arthrocare people:
Relocated from Austin, TX?
Cleared out.
Left in Austin as a new S&N division.

Re: ArthroCare : S&N now owns +19% of ARTC

S&N now owns +19% of ARTC

When it comes time for the ARTC shareholder vote to approved the acquisition ..... that 19% will make it easy to get the deal approved.

A horrible deal only good for Arthrocare shareholders. S&N will be the proverbial bag holders. There's a reason no one else bid. They are hideously overpaying.

Rest easy, Mark Foster and his 2 management genius minions are in charge. Smooth transition and you'll see a tremendous return on the investment with these 3 in charge!!