Armstrong gone?

FIPNET is a part of US Foreign Policy. If looked closely, it encompasses every aspect of foreign manipulation of overseas populations. For example, what British East India Tea Company, Pvt. Ltd, did in 1756. In another way to look them as Trojan/mercenaries of the US government. Almost all pharma/industrials who have over US$5B turnover, have such written practices. Some decided to be in the second wave of such mercenaries - Like Lilly, Genentech, etc...

FIPNET is a part of US Foreign Policy. If looked closely, it encompasses every aspect of foreign manipulation of overseas populations. For example, what British East India Tea Company, Pvt. Ltd, did in 1756. In another way to look them as Trojan/mercenaries of the US government. Almost all pharma/industrials who have over US$5B turnover, have such written practices. Some decided to be in the second wave of such mercenaries - Like Lilly, Genentech, etc...

Try a search for Blackwater once. :) some of these 20-somethings would benefit from a tour of duty with them --- hey if they live, they retire at 40. If they live.

Mirror the East India Co.? So the ultimate goal is to take over India - the American Raj, cool. Fortunately Ghandi happened and the largest democracy in the world will probably reject an inferior suitor. No, India will out-think and out-compete the rest thanks to population, education, plurality and the transcendent English language. China will need to restructure as Egypt has recently done before it gets into same room as India. India will then turn to Europe due to proximity, plurality and innovation, the monolithic Chinese and American cultures will be sidelined until they fragment and diversify and learn to innovate not dominate. Enough for the weekend?

Try a search for Blackwater once. :) some of these 20-somethings would benefit from a tour of duty with them --- hey if they live, they retire at 40. If they live.

Number of Blackwater/XE Services mercenaries dead is 4 well-known hung and charred over the Euprates, plus 6 died as collateral damage by Brits is the number I know. Prob `5-10 more. Cost to US tax payer is astronomical > USD12 Bln paid so far. Not only XES [note: reverse for..)got CIA/MI6 coverage, but also from US Air Force for ground cover. That is a great remuneration package of 160K/yr + 20mln USD life insurance policy. There are reportedly 3000 such mercenaries operating in various theatres, recently in Pakistan and Syria. Perhaps Armstrong may send some of his children to this kind of executive job.

Mirror the East India Co.? So the ultimate goal is to take over India - the American Raj, cool. Fortunately Ghandi happened and the largest democracy in the world will probably reject an inferior suitor. No, India will out-think and out-compete the rest thanks to population, education, plurality and the transcendent English language. China will need to restructure as Egypt has recently done before it gets into same room as India. India will then turn to Europe due to proximity, plurality and innovation, the monolithic Chinese and American cultures will be sidelined until they fragment and diversify and learn to innovate not dominate. Enough for the weekend?

"Enough for the weekend????" Is that an invitation to a "cynical contest" well my friend you are in the right place. For starters, you kind of missed the first steps of corporate hegemony both nationally and globally. First come the Kentucky Fried Cholesterol and Mickey D's .... to get everyone obese and diabetic (certainly NOT intentional but it just works that way) then come the Lillies and the Novos to provide meds. The same could be said about Big Tobacco, then followed by oncologists, mortuaries, Cynical enough for you?

Ah a conspiracist! Behind every cent profit a government/corporation/criminal enterprise to make money from cradle to grave. And the individuals involved innocent bystanders lacking all free will. Sorry but I cant take the view that multiple CEO’s cabal to exploit me, because I can say no to these things, unfortunately so should many more. What happens in the world has more to do with the law of unintended consequences rather than planning.

Ah a conspiracist! Behind every cent profit a government/corporation/criminal enterprise to make money from cradle to grave. And the individuals involved innocent bystanders lacking all free will. Sorry but I cant take the view that multiple CEO’s cabal to exploit me, because I can say no to these things, unfortunately so should many more. What happens in the world has more to do with the law of unintended consequences rather than planning.

No, not a conspiracist. In fact, a long-time reader of MAD magazine, which sadly was truer to an even greater extent than funny