Armstrong gone?

Any truth to the rumor that Rob Armstrong resigned? Great news if it is! Hopefully AP's days are numbered too!

Yes, RA now FIPNets for a Del Taco in West Hollywood. The Listhping Dwarf will soon be history, and then TG, KB, PL and the other hacks will soon be cannibalizing themselves. Poor TG, all those MOUTHS to feed...

Our condolences. We hate to see this great leader leave as we will miss his contributions to Lilly's success. He helped make Lilly what it is today and for that we are grateful.

Your friends at Pfizer

poor rob

poor rob...he high-tailed it out before finding a job. What's the trouble Mijo? Seeing that you were one of the architects of FIPNet, well, I guess what goes around comes around. And, you have proven the true meaning of FIPNet:

F lailing
I mbeciles
P roduce
N othing
E very
T ime

Poor GERDlings!

Start packing them cubicles! T. VerH0ooooven needs to cut, cut, cut. The FIPNetters will now be FIPNet'd! And not even a kiss goodbye from RA! AHH HAAH HAAH!!!

F utile
I mbeciles
P raying
N ervously
E mployment
T erminated