ARI to begin hiring soon

I hear rumors that ARI might hire outside folks. KH stop being a dumb bitch. Swallow your pride and admit that your 5 shift structure is a waste of Amgen money. It accomplished your goals for attrition now move on. Change the shift structure and you won't need to hire one person, you won't have three shifts sitting around on Mondays (with two of them playing solitaire and surfing the internet). What a waste how can management not see this. KH you suck!

Thanks Amgen for hiring me and giving me a $34,000 relocation package and then riffing me a few years later. I was forced to sell my house in RI at a $51,000 loss and I lost everything I saved for in the past 15 years. I hope ARI management and everyone else in charge dies of some dreadful disease or some other god awful accident. Life will catch up to you all and things do have a way of evening out in the end.

For the rest of you be good


Over 80 ARI folks were caught up in the RIF with the same problem. Amgens reputation will be tarnished and destroyed in the industry for many years to come.

Why dont they just put all the kiss asses that are on projects and pushing paper work at thier desk into these open spots?

Because 1. That would make sense we already know that site has not an ounce. 2. That would be like working and we now people sitting at their desk all day pretending to work are useless.

ARI has riffed and terminated around 1000 employees in the past few years some very highly skilled people. Now the only people left are the overflow lazy managers and backstabbing workers trying to survive at the cost of others. Hire away you already created a name as a place NOT to work in RI good luck recruting talent.
Amgen ARI should be ashamed of their hiring and firing practices.

I hate to say it but the industry already knows and keeps a close eye on you people.

ARI was mismanaged badly from 2004-2008, everything from the crazy spending, the G-tech lease, off sight lease, hiring about 400 newbees, and Building#1 fiasco's. This is why the bush are relieved of command. I think you need to blame ATO for never taking consideration of the growing Enbrel competition and over confidence of Amgen’s upper management. I do agree with you that bad things always have a way of working into evil doings and the karma will be apparent in time.

Ya, well I was one of those 400 "newbees" hired between 2004-2008 and I busted my ass and worked harder than most of you "veterans" Having said that, I left on my own accord as to not be associated with a dreadful department run by (TS) and (DD). You morons.

I hate to say it but the industry already knows and keeps a close eye on you people.

the industry, really cause it sucks more when you actually have to work there on a daily basis, managers have not a clue what is going on, they mandate you to go to certain CI that improve nothing, meeting that will never solve anything except waste time, intentionally acting irresponsibly but have to do things to metric even though it is wrong, way to go knowingly doing something wrong, you really have to work there to know the mess it is

Is there an indication of further cuts to the overhead? Maybe; it seems that moving trucks are standing by, engines running and moving men standing at the ready. But what do I know, I'm the 800 pound gorilla in the house! Am I seeing things? There appear to be more than usual security personnel with arms full of flattened corrugated boxes. Maybe I need a stiff drink. Does the name Koolaid, ring a familiar note?

Now, go have fun and smile, smile, with your old kit bag.

Approval is near for ARI to begin hiring 138 for the second product.

Meetings have been scheduled to begin the hiring process

Hire who that place has the worst reputation in the biotech world at best you might get URI certificate people at best anyone with any experience avoids that place like the plague.