ARI - Still The Same?

I applied to a position at ATO after being riffed a few years ago. A HR rep told me that if you sign a severence you can not reaply or work for Amgen ever again. I jokingly told her
that "I would pay it back if I got the job".

What a shame ARI use to have a great bunch of hard working staff members. After they realized they overstaffed the site it got dirty people fired unjustly people riffed while low performers stayed and now nothing left but a bunch of assholes staff and managers. The site is on its way to self destruct. You lost top people so live with the rest.

ARI will open up 73 positions within the next 2 months. Managers meeting last Monday was to try to determin the exact number of people that will be needed.

This could not be in production? Over 20% are still doing useless projects to kill time?

Why ARI has gotten away with this for so long? We have a spare manager for every department and every shift. ATO please fire 30 managers or I will start posting names
of them on here. The ones with 0-1 reports, you know the ones!

Better yet lets get a list going

ARI will open up 73 positions within the next 2 months. Managers meeting last Monday was to try to determin the exact number of people that will be needed.

This is not 100% true: my manager said that many of the positions will be filled internaly.

I bet they will post less than 25 outside for an increase in head count.

This could not be in production? Over 20% are still doing useless projects to kill time?

Why ARI has gotten away with this for so long? We have a spare manager for every department and every shift. ATO please fire 30 managers or I will start posting names
of them on here. The ones with 0-1 reports, you know the ones!

Better yet lets get a list going

Start listing because I know of no manager with 0-1 report in production.

I applied to a position at ATO after being riffed a few years ago. A HR rep told me that if you sign a severence you can not reaply or work for Amgen ever again. I jokingly told her
that "I would pay it back if I got the job".

I will apply to the jobs, the worst thing is they will not respond at all.

ARI not the same anymore one drug running on empty and two new ones with no potential.
Hang on for a rough ride ahead. There is rumor af a 2011 RIf happening soon but we all know there will be sleezy terminations first.