
Errr - scratch my previous post. We are longer hiring. Fire sale on Wall Street today. When we lose 20% market cap in a day and nearly 60% of perceived market cap compared to the run up prior to the financing, simply means we freeze all spending and make do with too few limited skill folks in most positions.

Time to get my CV polished off again and get serious about another opportunity. Damn - just wish we would get lucky.

We are trying to hire again! Things must looking up - or we have to create more fake jobs to get the incentives from the city of Durham. We can lay them off later and give our esteemed leaders bigger bonuses.
This place sucks.

We must really be bringing in the money now! We hire a new CFO at 300k per year! This after laying off employees less than three months ago to save 'money'! WOW!

This place really sucks!

Chuckie oh Chuckie where art thou Chuckie? Ego-centricity has plagued this company for over a decade since the arrival of their beloved Chuckie. Until he's out ... the same shit will continue and this company will bleed investors and underpay / cut their employees from what the insiders have shared.

Hiring a CFO, CMO and offering them 100s of thousands of options at low strike prices just proves that Argos is all about making some money before the final implosion.

Feel bad for their employees, not their management team (padding their pockets as best they can and firing people along the path). Glad I cashed out on this dying cow when they were inflating the stock price in early 2016 based upon nothing tangible other than a full inside private round of financing!!!

By 2018, we'll all be saying "good riddance" to this once promising immunotherapy company when they fail to achieve any positive outcomes on any fronts.

Word to other investors - cash out soon!!!