Aren't we buying ISTA?

All managers (Ista and B&L) are interviewing in a couple of weeks and they are taking the best of the best.

Yes thats 100% true-- i just got a call from my Ista manager who has been scheduled for an interview for his position. He also advised our team that ALL announcements and territories would be in place by July 5. No BS --- straight from the top. They are using some kind of metrics assessment questionnaire to determine which reps will stay and which will be cut. No details on this yet-- but ill post as I get information.

Yes thats 100% true-- i just got a call from my Ista manager who has been scheduled for an interview for his position. He also advised our team that ALL announcements and territories would be in place by July 5. No BS --- straight from the top. They are using some kind of metrics assessment questionnaire to determine which reps will stay and which will be cut. No details on this yet-- but ill post as I get information.

Ahhh!!!! metrics

Yes thats 100% true-- i just got a call from my Ista manager who has been scheduled for an interview for his position. He also advised our team that ALL announcements and territories would be in place by July 5. No BS --- straight from the top. They are using some kind of metrics assessment questionnaire to determine which reps will stay and which will be cut. No details on this yet-- but ill post as I get information.

Lol, such bullshit....this is not going to be done by June 5th since the shareholders are voting about that time. It's going to take time....180 days post acquisition is the time frame for the finishing touches. Get a grip and a life

Metrics= The directors get together and figure out which managers are cool to stay. Those who haven't been good in the past are gone. The managers try to figure out which reps are the cool ones to stay. The reps who have problems with others are gone. Enjoy the process of getting dumped on from above.

No shit, hence the fact that the salesforce is not going to be affected THE SAME DAY genius. God you Ista people are fucking morons

Listen up you piss-wad--- we were TOLD by our Ista Manager that they WILL have made announcements as to territory placement by July 5th-- what part of that don't you understand. Maybe your sorry ass will be replaced---

Listen up you piss-wad--- we were TOLD by our Ista Manager that they WILL have made announcements as to territory placement by July 5th-- what part of that don't you understand. Maybe your sorry ass will be replaced---

You're a fucking asshole ! Why are you trying to post shit on the B&L Board. Go to the ISTA board and post your crap. Don't come on here and try to make the ISTA board look quiet. Nice try...DICK !

Listen up you piss-wad--- we were TOLD by our Ista Manager that they WILL have made announcements as to territory placement by July 5th-- what part of that don't you understand. Maybe your sorry ass will be replaced---

Well you Ista morons were lied too, imagine that....I know it's hard when you realize everything you're told from management I isn't gospel. Bummer huh?

Well you Ista morons were lied too, imagine that....I know it's hard when you realize everything you're told from management I isn't gospel. Bummer huh?

You're stupid. It is true. Everything will be done by July 5th. Write it down and then bash me on this site when I'm wrong. It's too bad B&L doesn't share shit with their reps. Maybe that's why you suck at sales.

Well you Ista morons were lied too, imagine that....I know it's hard when you realize everything you're told from management I isn't gospel. Bummer huh?

Wow-- a real B&L "detective at work here-- I don't like to stoop down to the levels of calling anyone "morons" and "assholes" but in this case-- I'll make an exception--- first of all I'm another Ista rep who was also advised my our Manager that announcement will be made by July 5th-- but here's the catch-- we actually TRUST our manager because he's been inteviewing for other postions and has NEVER steered us in the wrong direction or handed us a line of bullshit about this whole fucked up buy out-- all I can say is that the asshole who posted stating we at Ista are morons,etc.. must have a super-shitty and very untrusting relationship with his/her manager--- You'll see "piss-wad" what will happen in a few weeks-- kiss my Ista ass