Well, the attorney's would have to start something on behalf of the client. They could in return get in touch with present and past employees that have been Terminated or Run Off by the manager. This would keep your name out of the initial phase of the lawsuit. Now, only a attorney would have an idea if you have a case or not.
But as for a papertrail, that should be easy to find. We all have our annual reviews and mid year reviews, not to mention field ride evals and RST evals. In my territory alone, if they want to run you off, they just drop your score below a 3. if this happens a few times, this starts the getting rid of you process!!! It is a simple as pulling all of your reviews from the past year. See the average score. Now pull the scores from 2 or 3 years back. See the average of thos scores. If territory wide they are substancially lower, this should show the trend of running people off or firing them. My entire group has gone from making 4 on field rides to all of us making 2.5 or around there. How the heck can all 4 of us go from being great to below average at the same time??? You cant blame numbers, because that is only part of the new review standards. They drop you down no matter how good your field ride is. And forget trying to defend yourself, they just threaten you even more if you dont sign the thing. My manager is a bumbleing idiot and has stuck his foot in his mouth numerous times. Half the time he doesnt even have a good comeback if you question something, but it doesnt change the score. 99% of the time, he has it filled out the night before the last day of a 2 day fieldride. You could blow his socks off, but since it is filled out he isnt going to change a thing. That would take a little more effort in which he is a lazy SOB!!! It really isnt even about being evaluated, it is about being below a 3 so he can run you off!!!