Area 3 Southeast

I heard a Charlotte DM position is vacant? What happened to the DM there? Promotion or did he/she leave? Any chance of posting for this position?

From someone who knows a lot of the Charlotte mgrs, they are nothing but ass licking yes men who are scared of losing their jobs! They manage by fear because in the real world they would be swallowed up and wouldn't know how to sell ice to an Eskimo. Prime example Steve P with a little "d."

South Florida is really a joke. Where do these DMs come from? They have no leadership skills. How many more tracker forms do we need? I like how they stir up shit between their reps. This is what keeps them busy. Keep MANAGING by fear and treating everyone like their 3. Morons!

Well, we see a pattern here, thats for sure. I would say our good friend Mr. Spivey is behind all of this. This whole time I thought my manager was just an idiot, Sorry Matt Reed. Not really, you are a complete idiot. Your day is coming my firend!!! Cant hide in your brother bunghole forever!!!!

This is a pattern for everyone in the company. They are just trying to run people off before the crap hits the fan over the next 6 months when they take our Prize drug, Lexapro away from us. Once that is taken away, we will have nothing to get in the office with. Do you actually think people are beating down the doors for Savella or Bystolic??? Savella is a joke. The ship has begun to sink, find a life raft (another job) if you can. It is brutal out there. I went for an interview the other day and they said they are looking for someone with better b2b sales experience than what Pharma people have. Wonder how fun it will be to find a job when half the sales force gets the boot and everyone is looking at the same time???

I'd like to do an evaluation on my manager. And I have to continue to laugh that they call themselves "leadership team." There is no motivation here, not in Florida. My manager sits around all day and looks for ways to write people up. Yeah I want to work hard for that. That's why we have no respect for you guys down here.

spiveys goota know that with his recent promo decisions in the past few years, its become obvious that he has favorites, is running a regime where people are told not to apply for promotions and the region continues to fail. wake up hr, he's creating a shit storm for lawsuits and dont think people arent looking into their options.

how would one go about a lawsuit against forest? stick with me here..
the basis of the lawsuit would have to be obvious and apply to multiple people (like discrimination or favortism), problem being how would one rep get in touch with another without letting corporate or DMs or tattle tale counterparts know? and how would you prove that in court? most of the crap that goes on has NO paper trail

Well, the attorney's would have to start something on behalf of the client. They could in return get in touch with present and past employees that have been Terminated or Run Off by the manager. This would keep your name out of the initial phase of the lawsuit. Now, only a attorney would have an idea if you have a case or not.

But as for a papertrail, that should be easy to find. We all have our annual reviews and mid year reviews, not to mention field ride evals and RST evals. In my territory alone, if they want to run you off, they just drop your score below a 3. if this happens a few times, this starts the getting rid of you process!!! It is a simple as pulling all of your reviews from the past year. See the average score. Now pull the scores from 2 or 3 years back. See the average of thos scores. If territory wide they are substancially lower, this should show the trend of running people off or firing them. My entire group has gone from making 4 on field rides to all of us making 2.5 or around there. How the heck can all 4 of us go from being great to below average at the same time??? You cant blame numbers, because that is only part of the new review standards. They drop you down no matter how good your field ride is. And forget trying to defend yourself, they just threaten you even more if you dont sign the thing. My manager is a bumbleing idiot and has stuck his foot in his mouth numerous times. Half the time he doesnt even have a good comeback if you question something, but it doesnt change the score. 99% of the time, he has it filled out the night before the last day of a 2 day fieldride. You could blow his socks off, but since it is filled out he isnt going to change a thing. That would take a little more effort in which he is a lazy SOB!!! It really isnt even about being evaluated, it is about being below a 3 so he can run you off!!!

I have been saying this all along. How could I have been a 3+ for 5 or more years and drop down to a 2.5 rep over night??? Along with my entire team? What? Did we all forget how to sell? Nope, that is how this company gets rid of people. They dont fire you, that would be a grounds for a lawsuit. becasue they cant fire you over numbers. Nope, they just make your life hell, and lower your score. The paperwork is in the evals!!!!

Real simple. Layoff are coming. They are covering their asses to get rid of you. Same thing in my division with the 4.0, now getting 2.5-2.7 score.

Also, be sure to pass your Daxas test. 2 failures cumulative and no questions asked; you get a letter of concern. Example: 1 failure for daxas module 1 + 1 failure daxas module 2= LOC. Any 3 failures= probation.

Just another way to fire your ass. It's nice the management team gets extra training for Daxas. They're not the ones that will be selling it! How about the sales force get the help and support like we should, especially for the "new" blockbuster drug. Ha! Write us up!