Are you jealous of your rich relatives and friends?


Americans are obsessed with money. We constantly chase the dollar bill. How many of you are secretly jealous of people in your life who have more money than you do??? Do you harbor secret feelings that hope something bad happens to them? When they buy a new car and move into a bigger house - does it bother you???

Please be honest. You can respond anonymously to protect your board identity. And don't be ashamed. Most others feel just like you do.

Let's make this thread an honest learning experience.

I dont get jealous but it does bother me when I see people that have it all either not appreciate it, or they receive these things without hard work. People that work hard deserve it.

I went to a good MBA program. Some people got the highly desired jobs out of it and have made a ton of money since. One person made $700k just a few years out of grad school. A few of them are already millionaires (8 years out of grad school).

Most people didn't fare so well. Some international students couldn't get any job and went back to their home country without much to show for it. Some U.S. students went back to the mediocre jobs they had before grad school.

It was tough to swallow so see the disparity in outcomes depending on the one job you got out of grad school. I was very frustrated for a while. I was angry at some friends that didn't make any effort to help other former students break into the good industries once they themselves got in.

I've learned to get over it. Most of us on this site are within the top 1% of wealth worldwide so I don't know how much time we should spend being jealous.

no i am not jealous -
but many are of me -
it is a shame that people let that emotion overrule
all of the good experiences that you used to have as "friends"
when the fact that i had significant money came out i hear ...
crickets ... and in the end i am ok with that

no i am not jealous -
but many are of me -
it is a shame that people let that emotion overrule
all of the good experiences that you used to have as "friends"
when the fact that i had significant money came out i hear ...
crickets ... and in the end i am ok with that

well stated and very true!! so... how much coin do you have??

Why be jealous? We're better off than most. Never thought I'd be the richest guy in town and I'm not obsessed with it. As long as I can lead a decent lifesytle I'm happy.

I say good for those that make it big. Most of them worked extremely hard and took some risks to get there. That's what made America great.

Why be jealous? We're better off than most. Never thought I'd be the richest guy in town and I'm not obsessed with it. As long as I can lead a decent lifesytle I'm happy.

I say good for those that make it big. Most of them worked extremely hard and took some risks to get there. That's what made America great.

Horseshit. I bet you live hand to mouth and most of your waking hours are spent dodging bill collectors.

Richest guy in town??? hah. Where do you live??? Cardboard City? :D

Horseshit. I bet you live hand to mouth and most of your waking hours are spent dodging bill collectors.

Richest guy in town??? hah. Where do you live??? Cardboard City? :D

First of all "we're better off than most" referred to the pharmaceutical industry, not us in particular. Second, the person that responded with a 4800sf home was not me.

I merely answered the question "are you jealous?". The answer is I am not. More power to the Bill Gates of the world. Self made man. But your angry response indicates your answer would be different than mine.

I always find it funny that people especially in our industries(device/pharm/etc) are always so quick to cast doubt on what others are doing or have accomplished.
I know plenty of whiners in our jobs and they always think they are the top and never believe when others are doing well.
To the don't know if this person has a side business, made good investments, spouse with a great career, etc. Usually this is the case.

My ass.

Give us a photo w/ address or STFU

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I live in it and nothing you say changes that. While you continue to rent a cheap apartment, I will enjoy my nice house, complete with custom cabinets, extensive wood trim, custom home theater, screened porch, secondary deck and more.

Jealousy is like anger, they are wasted emotions. I don't care what others make or do as long as they aren't breaking laws or hurting others.

I don't care if they don't "work hard". Isn't my business.

Focus more on being happy in your own life and you will worry less about others.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I live in it and nothing you say changes that. While you continue to rent a cheap apartment, I will enjoy my nice house, complete with custom cabinets, extensive wood trim, custom home theater, screened porch, secondary deck and more.

Sounds like you have a nice place and that they other guy is jealous as he lives in a dump in comparison.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I live in it and nothing you say changes that. While you continue to rent a cheap apartment, I will enjoy my nice house, complete with custom cabinets, extensive wood trim, custom home theater, screened porch, secondary deck and more., you had me at "screened porch"!

Jealousy is like anger, they are wasted emotions. I don't care what others make or do as long as they aren't breaking laws or hurting others.

Anger is the appropriate emotion when confronted with the evil excusing the injustices by which the rich rent seekers profit.

I don't care if they don't "work hard". Isn't my business.

If they work hard at getting something for nothing through their rent seeking privileges, thereby causing others to get nothing for something, wealth doesn't come from nowhere, you know, you should care.

Focus more on being happy in your own life and you will worry less about others.

"Don't worry Uncle Tom, just be happy with what you have. Maybe some day you'll save up enough money to buy your freedom and get some slaves of your own."

I'm actually jealous of my not so "rich" siblings who have been living partially off the government, haven't worked in the past 30+ years and have actually enjoyed those years. Probably a little stress when they couldn't feed their cats or needed to cut back on their cell phone usage.

My wife and I have been slaving to build up a retirement cushion over those same 30+ years. I'm hoping that we get at least 10 stress-free, enjoyable years during retirement, but having a million+ in the bank at 65 doesn't mean crap if you cant enjoy it as if you were 35.

I went to a good MBA program. Some people got the highly desired jobs out of it and have made a ton of money since. One person made $700k just a few years out of grad school. A few of them are already millionaires (8 years out of grad school).

Most people didn't fare so well. Some international students couldn't get any job and went back to their home country without much to show for it. Some U.S. students went back to the mediocre jobs they had before grad school.

It was tough to swallow so see the disparity in outcomes depending on the one job you got out of grad school. I was very frustrated for a while. I was angry at some friends that didn't make any effort to help other former students break into the good industries once they themselves got in.

I've learned to get over it. Most of us on this site are within the top 1% of wealth worldwide so I don't know how much time we should spend being jealous.

I agree. It is the disparity that is hard to swallow. I too went to a good grad school (recently) but am over fifty. My age is all any employer seems to see. The hardest thing is that there seems to be a number of wealthy reps and managers that really and truly believe their wealth is souly attributed to their incredible superiority and brilliance. I wish more wealthy people were humble and moderate instead of arrogant and condescending. There are many people with graduate degrees waiting tables or working at Home Depot.

The average American over fifty has just 130k in the bank for retirement. I think that pretty much says it all. What I wish is for people to be kinder to one another and more understanding. Am I jealous of those with a lot of wealth? I am, but I try to temper that with knowing that bombs are not being dropped outside my front door and my water is safe to drink.