Are we buying PAML?

Not sure what the person above is saying is true. Between us all, I hear it's on like a thong and an agreement has been reached. I expected it would have gone public by now. No fear, we will be getting them soon. We are paying too much, but the purchase is happening.

- The Janitor.

The purchase of PAML will happen, the Janitor is always right. I over heard a phone call when I was cleaning. I just don't know when, thought others could help an old man out with some details.

Are you all that misinformed? Give me something.

Not sure what the person above is saying is true. Between us all, I hear it's on like a thong and an agreement has been reached. I expected it would have gone public by now. No fear, we will be getting them soon. We are paying too much, but the purchase is happening.

- The Janitor.

Please stop this form of identity theft. Come up with your own sign off. This could be a bannable offense, but what do I know I just clean the place.

- The Janitor

SOMEONE is buying at least part of PAML. That is going to be public the beginning of the year. (scouts honor) But is it actually Labcorp? or an offshoot/affiliate of LCA? and how much of PAML's holdings is actually being sold? You'll have to wait and see. Either way, its going to help LCA's piece of the pie.

Interesting that you keep saying "by Thanksgiving, by Christmas, after the New Year" now it's "two more months" luckily no one believes you and anyone who actually knows the truth, knows the deal fell through and we can't purchase paml because it is too complicated. Nice try. Now move on and stop trying to create trouble.

My husband's coworkers cousin from Seattle says there is no way to simplify it. It's a big mess and we don't want to get involved with it. Why can't we just outsell them? Oh, that's right, our testing is inferior.

Anybody hearing anything? Mr. Janitor, what do you know?

Sorry about being away. The holidays is always a busy time for the cleaning crew. I think it is unlikely the deal will go down anytime soon. Think end of 3rd/4th quarter at the earliest. We just need some additional capital to come in, so get out there and sell! From overhearing some conversations from the higher ups there may be another acquisition in the works, but what do I know I just clean the place.

- The Janitor