Are there any company mandating booster?


Those pharmaceutical employers who enforce shot mandates will have HUGE lawsuits coming at them from a very long list of current & former employees.

quid pro quo

Employers will have massive legal fees as they will have to defend their harassment and punitive shot policies from hundreds of thousands of employees who had to take shots to keep their jobs.


On the contrary, I expect pharma companies to quickly put in place booster mandates, with timelines requiring booster jab before the end of March. They can claim it is justified until then because of omicron, after that their window closes and compliance will be more difficult to achieve.

Big pharma cannot afford the image damage if their own employees in $cience-based companies are allowed to revolt against compulsory vaccination.

follow the money people, follow the money.

CDC advocating hard for boosters AND changing the terminology from being “fully vaccinated” to being “up to date” on vaccination. So if you have not had the booster- you are NOT up to date.

pharma company policies will quickly adopt “up to date” terminology which by the way is open-ended and allows for subsequent vaccination requirements at the whim of the CDC or the employer.

so glad I opted out of this nightmare. An every 4 to 6-month jab is fast becoming your reality, if you let it.