Why do you think the severance package was so good especially for those long tenured employees, Novartis knew that if you were in your 50's you had too much to lose with your pension, stock options and severance not to sign the package and go away. Those were the only people who could have possibly filed any type of age discrimination suit. Believe me why do you think they sent out the list, they kept a few people around in the older age bracket and had it down to the percentages. They employ tons of lawyers on retainer so unless you were independently wealthy they would have dragged it throught the courts until you were flat broke from legal fees. That's what they count on, the place is a mess and those that were let go are in many cases better off and making the same or more money. Place has become a sh thole. And you think people get screwed over on Survivor, you ain't seen nothing till you have worked in this company.

The older reps let go in the last downsizing were definately the winners!!! Most made a years salary and went to work with another job. They will make their $90,000 + the salary of the new job-they will be pulling in over $200,000 while the rest of us sorry bastards will be fearing the next downsizing. When I talk to my former team mates, they have the hope I have lost. I doubt Novatis will match the last severence.

Novartis provided the same severance package that they have for the past 3 years. Yes this lay off was a big one, but there have been several smaller ones over the past 3 years.
I hope that next time they actually offer an early retirement package and/or ask for those who would like to take a lay off package. I think they would be surprised as to how many would take the package. Better yet, they get to keep the people that really want to stay verses people that don't want to stay. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Look..DM nor RDs make the decisions as to who stays or who goes. Fact is the DMs get a call 1 day before you do. They find out if they have a job and where they were placed, then they get a list of who stays and goes.. They have no decision in the process.

The same goes with the RDs..They get the call and list 1 or 2 days before the DMs.
I'm not sure who does make the decision, it may be a computer that spits it out, it may be HR..but it isn't the DMs and the RDs.

BS, the Managing directors absolutely had input in who went. They have been working on P & L, and there will be more emphasis on profit and loss in the future. When Novartis is interviewing for MDs they wnat the candidates with much more extensive P & L experience. This is proven when there are direct counterparts with the same ratings but the younger, albeit less expensive rep is retained over the older, more tenured and thus more costly rep is let go.

BS, the Managing directors absolutely had input in who went. They have been working on P & L, and there will be more emphasis on profit and loss in the future. When Novartis is interviewing for MDs they wnat the candidates with much more extensive P & L experience. This is proven when there are direct counterparts with the same ratings but the younger, albeit less expensive rep is retained over the older, more tenured and thus more costly rep is let go.

Folks, it goes like this

The consulting company puts the criteria the company gives them into a computer...the poor folks who are deemed those to lose thier jobs are given to the RD's on a list....the RD's check it out...if they dont like the list, they change the criteria until they "like" the list they see....its that simple....sometimes a few good folks (according to the RD's) get caught in the shuffle, but they tend to change the criteria enough times until they get the best outcomes the RD's can live with.....thats it..that simple

That was the way it was done when we where in divisions. Not so since we went to OU's, all based on whether you cost the OU money or if you kissed ass by throwing others under the bus. Decisions were made by OU's on bottom line profitability so they could make their incentive. As crooked as they come, came from very reliable sources.