If only there were more jobs available, over half of us in the field would leave. No one expects this ship to be floating past June anyway.
Agree with all of the above about our fearless and greedy CEO, but also put a lot of blame on the idiots in Marketing. Mike "where'd I park my camel" Matin not only has a failing plan, but did more to demotivate our sales team at launch than should be possible. He has a real genius team as well - none of whom could ever get a marketing job at a real company. One of my long time customers attended speaker training right after launch as a favor. Matin-marketing and Dr.Raji from MLSs ran the show. He said it was the worst and most unprofessional program he had ever attended. He said Matin was rude and insulting, not to mention full of s&it. If not for our past relationship, he would ban Archimedes from his office. He wrote one script as a favor, but will not speak due to credibility concerns after meeting our leaders. There is very little insurance coverage, so nothing selling and not worth trying anymore except when my manager rides along. It's not so bad hanging out until the ship hits the bank and using my days to find another job. My wife uses my company car for car pools since I only need it on the days when my Manager comes to town. I go park in the hospital lots and grab some carryout meals to keep the expense report looking active, but this drug will not sell and not damaging my own credibility with my Doctors anymore.
If you have a job, please don't leave one to come here. If you don't have one, it beats nothing, but just know that it will only last for a couple of months. Writing on the wall - our VP of Sales left and not replacing her position.
Sounds like what everyone did at Ilex and Enzon under Bucky's reign of terror. And look where it got all those people. All gone! Thanks for the update on Bucky the Pirate - the cancer of Pharma!