April meeting predictions?

Who is Zoll's competitor with an FDA warning letter?

There is not a competitor for LifeVest. Your competition is selling it with zero data. Of course you do have the 1 study showing the save rate of 1%...meaning doctors will be right using nothing 99% of the time. Try selling that in an evidence based market.
This is why they don't share how many patients have been prescribed the LV anymore as docs can quickly see/calculate that the save rate is less than 1%. You need a miracle to meet the goals with that kind of data.

My favorite memory of national meetings was having them block any flight before 5PM...
We had a meeting in Arizona and I lived in NJ...I made a 4:35 flight and it got denied.
Flight took off after 7 PM EST and I touched down at around 2 in the morning my time...

Zoll taught me a lesson. My time is their time...and vice versa.
It became much easier to justify earlier workouts, 2 oclock tee times, and a get me the f-- out of here attitude.

In my rear view mirror, thank the Lord.

To the Southwest TM's please bring Peyote and put it in the coffee urns!!!

Cali TM's please bring the qualudes for snack break

Colorodo a bail of hay for the evening fire would be nice. If you need an RX diagnosis (564.1, 564.5, 564.6, 564.7)

NJ/NY a F***** bat and bags of lime to take into the desert and make a Jimmy cocktail for some "friends of ours"

Hill billy/Appalachian TM's (said with the utmost respect)- some Tickle juice to keep the non-reimbursed business expeditures down.

Detroit-we know your city is bankrupt but could someone run down to Goodwill and pick up new wardrobes for senior leadership. Member's only jackets with Zoll Lifevest iron on decal would be period appropriate

TX- just shoot something on the way over and throw it on the fire pit

Washington-please bring some real coffee!


To the Southwest TM's please bring Peyote and put it in the coffee urns!!!

Cali TM's please bring the qualudes for snack break

Colorodo a bail of hay for the evening fire would be nice. If you need an RX diagnosis (564.1, 564.5, 564.6, 564.7)

NJ/NY a F***** bat and bags of lime to take into the desert and make a Jimmy cocktail for some "friends of ours"

Hill billy/Appalachian TM's (said with the utmost respect)- some Tickle juice to keep the non-reimbursed business expeditures down.

Detroit-we know your city is bankrupt but could someone run down to Goodwill and pick up new wardrobes for senior leadership. Member's only jackets with Zoll Lifevest iron on decal would be period appropriate

TX- just shoot something on the way over and throw it on the fire pit

Washington-please bring some real coffee!

this meeting sucks already. Manager addressing "toilet rules". Make sure you use bathroom before sessions and breakouts and we must all sit together at all times. WTF so why have a national meeting! I cant sit with colleagues from other areas to just maybe share best practices or learn from? I can't sit next to people to break the tension and make a meeting more tolerable and receptive for learning. You pull me out of the field for How many days with a 2 week number to hit which is climbing every segment. Tell me when to pee, control my diet, my movements and what I say and hear. Don't get me wrong, I have been in industry for a number of years but this place already gives me the creeps and just overall feels like a cheap dress and crappy make-up. What's next? Pink Cadillacs?

this meeting sucks already. Manager addressing "toilet rules". Make sure you use bathroom before sessions and breakouts and we must all sit together at all times. WTF so why have a national meeting! I cant sit with colleagues from other areas to just maybe share best practices or learn from? I can't sit next to people to break the tension and make a meeting more tolerable and receptive for learning. You pull me out of the field for How many days with a 2 week number to hit which is climbing every segment. Tell me when to pee, control my diet, my movements and what I say and hear. Don't get me wrong, I have been in industry for a number of years but this place already gives me the creeps and just overall feels like a cheap dress and crappy make-up. What's next? Pink Cadillacs?

I know, everyone thinks it will be different for them coming here. As you are starting to see, nope everything posted here is accurate.

Those meetings were horrible 7 years ago. Why would they be better?
Breaking new clinical studies?
New Product launch?
Reconnect with colleagues (if they are still around)?
Fun Zoll activities at night?
Scowls from ML and RP in the hallway?
no thank you