JP here-"I want to thank you all. I wanted to let you know how deeply I and the management team respect you (hmm girl in green blouse front row has a nice rack). Please take time to thank your loved ones that support you at home (cripes is that chick pregnant...hope its not mine....better fire her). We feel its important to get together to reinforce our belief (hey now, that little hottie is lookin at the gun show) that the Lifevest team is the best in the industry and we are committed (hello 4th row crazy's a little peck flex for ya) to your development (geez why do we have so many guys left). We are committed to your voice (oh what a beautiful set of lungs on her) and the management team has listened to your concerns and have determined they really aren't relevant. We have revised the accountability matrix as a testament to our commitment to your professional development ( I hope I don't look angry but I think I am going to puke I am so hung over). (cripes between SB's calculator so far up my ass and JW hand in my back- I just might lose control of my bowels as well) Unfortunately with all the support you receive, we are net getting the results expected. I met with the management team and we are excited to announce a kicker to the already robust compensation program. CHEESE that's right government cheese TAX FREE! We listened and felt this would be a great incentive. So what do you think is that great news or what!!! I knew you would be excited (you know wearing a thong isn't that bad...just wish I knew whose it was).