Re: Apria infusion Home care IS HORRIBLE
1) Never tell me when my meds are coming. Frequently delivering when I am not home.
2) Never call my doctor on time to get my meds refilled, often not calling him until the day I'm going to run out of meds. His message clearly states when he is and is not in the office, but they routinely "forget" to call him when he is in the office to get my refills, and subsequently DON'T get my medication refilled.
3) Never let me know when this has happened, so I have to call THEM to say "Hey, I'm on my last dose. Where are my antibiotics?" Their answer? "Your doctor didn't call us back today so we didn't refill your meds." I've asked them EVERY WEEK for the last 8 weeks to call me when they cannot reach my doctor so I can ensure he calls them on his cell. They never "remember" to do this, since I guess my health isn't important.
I've asked them EVERY SINGLE WEEK to call me 48 hours prior to the end of my week of treatment to let me know that they have my next week's re-order. I've seen my doctor's assistant call them in front of me to confirm the reorder. And yet. EVERY SINGLE WEEK they forget, don't have my order ready, and I have to holler to get meds refilled. Today they didn't call me back to finally confirm the drugs were ready. I had to call THEM to find out if I was going to have tomorrow's dose and their answer was "oh, yes, we'll be delivering it at 8 PM." Oh really? I'm going to be at a work dinner at 8 PM. Wanna try that again?
What were they going to do? Leave my meds, which require refrigeration, in the muggy summer heat on my doorstep?
EVERY DAMN WEEK these clowns cannot get it together and their answer is (and I'm not making this up) "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
I wish they had an infection in their spine like I do, and I wish they had to take time out of their day to chase down antibiotics and maybe those jerks would find the wherewithal to pull their heads out of their behinds for five minutes and DO THEIR JOBS!
I'm reporting them to my insurance company. If I missed this many deadlines I'd have been fired 10 times over. They deserve that and much more for the hell they're putting sick people through.