Approved! Get ready PFE, we are gonna

You will soon find out that patients don't want to inject, esp an expensive injection. Didn't Regeneron figure that out from your expensive injectable for LDL? It's not widely used in the market.

I don't want to inject. I do have a derm, but I'll try the cream. I am concerned about years down the road issues with this injections..tumors..infections, etc. It's not been out long enough to determine.

You will soon find out that patients don't want to inject, esp an expensive injection. Didn't Regeneron figure that out from your expensive injectable for LDL? It's not widely used in the market.
If you take off the blinders you'll realize that this doesn't even come close to the price of other self-injectables in derm (that have 10-11 competitors).

In the meantime it's ok to take low-dose chemo, anti-rejection transplant drugs that poison your body, systemic steroids that destroy your bone mass (all with 3 decades of data showing how destructive they are), a $20+k year off-label PDD4 with marginal efficacy, or a $600 per tube topical PDD4 also with marginal efficacy.

You can always wait a little longer for the IL-31, but then again - injectable that will undoubtedly come north of $40k/yr without long-term data.

Good luck.

Keep in mind there are pills for AD in development that costs 10 cents to provide...

If you're talking about the small molecule product priced like a biologic known as Otezla, good luck with that. Diarrhea at 19% (Mease) sounds like a lot of fun too. Good news is it "generally resolves itself within a month."

$23k/yr for a mix and stir product

Keep in mind there are pills for AD in development that costs 10 cents to provide...

Docs have been writing Otezla for AD since it launched, out of desperation for their patients. It doesn't work. It barely works for psoriasis. This is a hilarious notion. Who writes this stuff? Google Dupixent and see how well this launch is going. We're blowing out projections. Don't be jealous.

No one is getting through the hub yet and getting drug.

Has anyone actually gotten this product?

what's the long-term safety like? Does Regeneron have that? I do not think so.

A lot of patients are getting drug because most offices and most territories are bypassing the hub. Regeneron can't run a functioning hub but we do have a great product that physicians are writing, getting approved and helping patients.

Don't be a hater.

This has been fun and we are killing it. My concern is that my docs have already told me they started everyone. They had been making a list the past 10 years and they called in everyone and started them.

I am concerned about sustaining growth 6 months from now.