
This ^^^^^. Also, how does corporate plan to compensate reps equitably when you have some states with 25% commercial coverage and NO Medicaid......but then you have other states with double or triple that in commercial coverage WITH MEDICAID COVERAGE. PREFERRED.

How is that going to be addressed?????? Are we all still going to be graded on the same criteria despite differing circumstances???

Did you just get a job in pharma? This isn’t new.

Did you just get a job in pharma? This isn’t new.

It’s not fun but he/she is right. No other pharma companies take coverage into consideration when designing bonus plans. It is what it is. Just know that if you grow moderately in a tough coverage/access area it will be noticed. Also more times than not those tough coverage territories are in cheaper cost of living areas(I said more times than not, so don’t try to disprove me with 3 examples that don’t fit.). That’s also why special incentive exists to give extra bonus when you are compared to reps with similar geography and coverage. It sucks for sure, but we are paid on growth so see the hcps you can a ton, get the scripts you can, and try not to worry or compare yourself to what TX, NC, SC, AL, GA, FL are doing.

It’s not fun but he/she is right. No other pharma companies take coverage into consideration when designing bonus plans. It is what it is. Just know that if you grow moderately in a tough coverage/access area it will be noticed. Also more times than not those tough coverage territories are in cheaper cost of living areas(I said more times than not, so don’t try to disprove me with 3 examples that don’t fit.). That’s also why special incentive exists to give extra bonus when you are compared to reps with similar geography and coverage. It sucks for sure, but we are paid on growth so see the hcps you can a ton, get the scripts you can, and try not to worry or compare yourself to what TX, NC, SC, AL, GA, FL are doing.
This is a lie. Other companies adjust quotas to market volume. AND THEY PAY ON EVERY SCRIPT IN YOUR TERRITORY

It’s not fun but he/she is right. No other pharma companies take coverage into consideration when designing bonus plans. It is what it is. Just know that if you grow moderately in a tough coverage/access area it will be noticed. Also more times than not those tough coverage territories are in cheaper cost of living areas(I said more times than not, so don’t try to disprove me with 3 examples that don’t fit.). That’s also why special incentive exists to give extra bonus when you are compared to reps with similar geography and coverage. It sucks for sure, but we are paid on growth so see the hcps you can a ton, get the scripts you can, and try not to worry or compare yourself to what TX, NC, SC, AL, GA, FL are doing.

Great story. I’m surprised you got all those words out without choking on koolaid.

This is a lie. Other companies adjust quotas to market volume. AND THEY PAY ON EVERY SCRIPT IN YOUR TERRITORY

Yep. don’t believe anything Supernus tries to tell you about the industry. Other reps are paid more, coverage is taken into consideration, and like this guy says, they pay you on every script in your territory and don’t jack around with your target list every quarter.

This is a lie. Other companies adjust quotas to market volume. AND THEY PAY ON EVERY SCRIPT IN YOUR TERRITORY

quite a few companies pay on growth only. The market volume hasn’t changed. There is quite a bit of generic topiramate out there and we have at best 5-6% of that.

admittedly, it’s been a long time trying to milk Trokendi and Oxtellar. We should have had new products by now but we don’t. This happens at many companies in this industry. You can either buckle down and deal with it or go to one of the companies you cite that has a different IC set up (for now).

once Qudexy goes generic it’s going to get a lot worse.

Yep. don’t believe anything Supernus tries to tell you about the industry. Other reps are paid more, coverage is taken into consideration, and like this guy says, they pay you on every script in your territory and don’t jack around with your target list every quarter.

How do the other companies take coverage into consideration? Not saying you’re wrong, just curious how they structure bonus plans to account for it.

How do the other companies take coverage into consideration? Not saying you’re wrong, just curious how they structure bonus plans to account for it.

You are bonused off the percentage to goal that your territory attains. So supernus looks at each territory individually and factors in growth projections based off 2 main factors:

Historical growth in that territory and coverage on within that territory.

Yep. don’t believe anything Supernus tries to tell you about the industry. Other reps are paid more, coverage is taken into consideration, and like this guy says, they pay you on every script in your territory and don’t jack around with your target list every quarter.

Checkout Glassdoor bro. Most pharma reps, outside of highly specialized therapeutics, make $100k-$120k all in just like the majority of us here. PCP reps make even less so be thankful you got your first gig in specialty even if we are admittedly on the low end for specialty. But really, make up your mind. You guys complain that our products are crap in one breath and not being paid like we cure cancer in the next. Be happy with what you got. Nobody likes a negative Nancy.

Checkout Glassdoor bro. Most pharma reps, outside of highly specialized therapeutics, make $100k-$120k all in just like the majority of us here. PCP reps make even less so be thankful you got your first gig in specialty even if we are admittedly on the low end for specialty. But really, make up your mind. You guys complain that our products are crap in one breath and not being paid like we cure cancer in the next. Be happy with what you got. Nobody likes a negative Nancy.

Ok Koolaid Kris

Checkout Glassdoor bro. Most pharma reps, outside of highly specialized therapeutics, make $100k-$120k all in just like the majority of us here. PCP reps make even less so be thankful you got your first gig in specialty even if we are admittedly on the low end for specialty. But really, make up your mind. You guys complain that our products are crap in one breath and not being paid like we cure cancer in the next. Be happy with what you got. Nobody likes a negative Nancy.

Our products are more expensive than all the MABS yet we are still significantly underpaid in comparison to their reps. Trust me I’ve seen my Aimovig reps in action and they are terrible so don’t even try going down the “experienced rep” road.

Our products are more expensive than all the MABS yet we are still significantly underpaid in comparison to their reps. Trust me I’ve seen my Aimovig reps in action and they are terrible so don’t even try going down the “experienced rep” road.

Our products are more expensive bc they have been on the market for several years longer than the MABs and have had more regular price increases. Give aimovig a few years and guarantee it’s listed at $1000 per injection on goodrx. Also, price isn’t what the company actually gets paid by insurances. That’s a negotiated price well below the out of pocket pharmacy price. But yeah, aimovig reps are for sure making a ton more than us. They should be. I don’t get your point. I can understand being envious of what other reps have but you also wouldn’t have gotten hired out of B2B to sell aimovig. Be happy with what you have, or find the next opportunity. It’s that easy.

A simple google search shows average specialty pharma rep salary is closer to 140k even med reps shows that. Or are you worried that will be flagged from your Rockville server ?


migraine is closer to primary care than it is specialty. You may not want to hear it, but it’s a fact.

go to an orphan disease company or an oncology company and tell them you have migraine experience. I think you will be in for a rude awakening.

This is absolutely not a specialty rep Role and frankly we are very well compensated for what we sell and where we sell it. My friends who’ve stayed in Neurology that left Supernus that I still talk to do make significantly more money but their job is significantly more complex in what they discuss regarding multiple clinical trials, MOA, side effects. They also don’t have any script guidelines. Their company said here is data and tools and go ahead and sell and grow the business. It looks like fun and I am envious but I also have set up a nice routine here and might as well just keep chugging along here till the wheels fall off.

This is absolutely not a specialty rep Role and frankly we are very well compensated for what we sell and where we sell it. My friends who’ve stayed in Neurology that left Supernus that I still talk to do make significantly more money but their job is significantly more complex in what they discuss regarding multiple clinical trials, MOA, side effects. They also don’t have any script guidelines. Their company said here is data and tools and go ahead and sell and grow the business. It looks like fun and I am envious but I also have set up a nice routine here and might as well just keep chugging along here till the wheels fall off.

When you have specialty prices for your medications and your companies website describes itself as: "A SPECIALTY pharmaceutical company with more than 25 years of experience focused on developing products to treat central nervous system diseases." If you work for a company that checks both of these boxes you are a specialty rep.