
Don't do it.. Arthrex "Manager" jobs within an Agency are a fancy title for an experienced rep.. YOU will be the trauma rep on call and you will not get the teams to do it. The only way Arthrex due to heavy turnover can get experienced reps is to re phrase these jobs as "managers". you won't manage a soul, just yourself. It happens at every agency across the country due to the model which extremely broken.

Don't do it.. Arthrex "Manager" jobs within an Agency are a fancy title for an experienced rep.. YOU will be the trauma rep on call and you will not get the teams to do it. The only way Arthrex due to heavy turnover can get experienced reps is to re phrase these jobs as "managers". you won't manage a soul, just yourself. It happens at every agency across the country due to the model which extremely broken.

The above post is 100% accurate. The inventory situation is an absolute joke, you’ll be constantly fighting to get implants and instruments. You won’t manage anybody, Arthrex is known for underpaying their reps but giving out ridiculous manager titles to just about everybody. The agency will also expand your non compete making it difficult to leave. Then add to the fact that nothing will ever be on contract. You’ll regret taking this position, run as far as you can away from Arthrex, highest turnover in the entire nation

But don’t you get a different color name badge as a manager? This has to be taken into consideration right?

Yes, one of the many perks of being an Arthrex employee is the different colored name badge.
Don’t forget that once you’re considered a “manager,” you join the other 47 managers who manage to manage the managers by managing who gets the next colored name badge.
Company is a joke. Losing market share in so many divisions and they know it

Had to step in here and comment as this post caught my attention. I had the unfortunate pleasure of working for an agency and yes I’ll name it Gotham Surgical. These posts are 100% true. You will regret taking this job, run as far away from any Arthrex owned agency. They underpay for starters, the hierarchy of managers is ridiculous to the other person posts. Inventory is hard to get, none of the teams want to sell trauma so YOU are the on-call rep. You manage no one and are under constant pressure to grow this failing line of business that Arthrex has taken on. Compensation again I will mention is the lowest in the industry. You will by underpaid and overworked. Please save yourself the time and energy and go work anyplace but Arthrex.

Had to step in here and comment as this post caught my attention. I had the unfortunate pleasure of working for an agency and yes I’ll name it Gotham Surgical. These posts are 100% true. You will regret taking this job, run as far away from any Arthrex owned agency. They underpay for starters, the hierarchy of managers is ridiculous to the other person posts. Inventory is hard to get, none of the teams want to sell trauma so YOU are the on-call rep. You manage no one and are under constant pressure to grow this failing line of business that Arthrex has taken on. Compensation again I will mention is the lowest in the industry. You will by underpaid and overworked. Please save yourself the time and energy and go work anyplace but Arthrex.
Lol I worked at Gotham/Suvon as well.

RUN! DO NOT DO IT. YOU WILL REGRET IT. IT WILL BE A WASTE OF YOUR LIFE. BOTH PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL. You are the rep. PM is nothing more than a smokescreen title and this job is a joke at best. The model doesn't support trauma and until Arthrex plays on contracts you will live out groundhogs day and the definition of insanity will be the new tattoo on your forehead. Turn and burn. I hope this post saves one person from accepting this position.

RUN! DO NOT DO IT. YOU WILL REGRET IT. IT WILL BE A WASTE OF YOUR LIFE. BOTH PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL. You are the rep. PM is nothing more than a smokescreen title and this job is a joke at best. The model doesn't support trauma and until Arthrex plays on contracts you will live out groundhogs day and the definition of insanity will be the new tattoo on your forehead. Turn and burn. I hope this post saves one person from accepting this position.
Run is right! Do not take the job. Everyone here is correct in their descriptions of the job. Arthrex is a horrible company to work for. The distributorships are more accurately described as dictatorships.

Former Arthrex distributor rep (several years ago) and I am not surprised at what I am reading on these boards. Arthrex used to have good products but Reinhold has gotten greedy. Reps don't make a dime and trying to get inventory was almost laughable back when I was a rep.

I left the Arthrex and got into spine and haven't looked back.