Anyone working today? I am drinking coffee and reading Cafe Pharma!

All I can say is that your are playing this smart. I won't make another sales call after 10 am again. From 10-5 I will be job searching. I'm not letting some asshole in Delaware decide my fate.

Best case- my call on Jan 31st will tell me I still have a job.

Feb 10th, I'll resign.

Ewwwwww, tough guyu talk! Where do you cum up with this stuff? Why would you want to leave $$ on the table, are you a moron?

I am not self identifying, but have already started looking for new jobs. Does anyone know what happens if I accept an offer in January? Would I be eligible for severance?
No but you could just ride it for a while and see if you get laid off. But take the offer and don't do anything to jeopardize losing the new gig. Just keep taking your AZ paycheck and if they catch on that you are working another job, they will fire you and probably pay you for minimum of six weeks anyway.