Anyone with info, please reply!

Try not to think of the territories as you know them now. All new carveout. One rep per terr.

yes, you have to stop thinking in terms of pods or districts. If we are going from 3 OU's to one everything will chance. If you have 8 districts in your state, will probably now have 4. 4 manager will be cut to 2. And so on..

when I started, 16 years ago, I drove 2 hrs to the next two to make calls. Currenly there is a entire district there now. chop, chop

My counterpart is going to get trained in Denver,.... I am not.... does that mean he will not be let go at the end of Jan? Does Denver training play any role???

The training in Denver has no bearing on rif. Denver rooms were already paid for, reps are already getting paid, worthless training team needed one more assignment before training goes Eh. The thought processs was that everyone left is eventually going to carry portfolio so this was a way to waste some time while everything is sorted out.

so are you saying that everywhere there will be one rep per territory? Will territories be larger or will the footprint remian the same?

Footprint will be totally different to accomodate portfolio. The carveout will be different. In most cases larger; but not always. The maps will be approved by nvs next week and be in their hands