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Anyone who has been with Lilly 10 years or more.....read on


Lilly was truly a unique company and great company to join when I did in the late 90's. The day I got my offer- I was proud to say I was going to work for a GREAT company. Then came the downfall of Prozac and the heavy hand of Wallstreet!

Remember getting your class pic taken in sales training? Might sound stupid, but it showed that as a person you were truly valued.

Remember the retirement parties that were given to employees who left after a lifetime with the company? Again--- showed that people cared.

Remember when you used to get $1500 to refer a candidate to Lilly who was hired and completed sales school? Values people- axed by DO in Six Sigma!

Remember when we had to wear suits EVERYDAY to training? Again- Lilly cared about it's people and the way it was portrayed to the public, NOT just the stockholders!

Remember when we could truly sell to our customers? Let's face it- (sorry to those of you under the age of 25 w/ bleach blonde hair and fake boobs) our new sales model is one where you could train a monkey- "show a glossy-recite a message-leave samples-repeat"

Remember when Lilly cared about ALL of it's products? Insulin was forgotten about in the early 2000's and look where that got Lilly as far as respect?

Remember when Lilly hired managers who actually had something to offer their direct reports? My last manager graduated from college in 1999 and was 26 when he was named manager! Great kid, but #1 he didn't get the respect from our team and definately didn't get the respect from our customers.

Remember when you did a speaker program to drive business i.e. QUALITY? Now it's about checking a box to meet the needs of a director who wants to look good to a BUL!

Remember when your director was someone who you could have a beer with, not someone who is paraded around like a hollywood celebrity!

Remember when your benefits i.e. health insurance was "company funded i.e. self insured" from Lilly not a smoke in mirrors health care account?

Remember when you got a company car, you drove it everywhere, and no one cared?

When was the last time a sales class learned about the history of Lilly? Does anyone hired after 2005 even know the history of Lilly?

Remember when Lilly was a prized organization in Indiana?

I could go on forever. 2005 was my last year with the flower and I truly miss the company I joined back in the good ol' days. Good Luck to my friend who have less than 80 points!

How true!
All changed when Sidney came into power and brought the Europeans with him into key positions. The main problem was that they had no real understanding of the U. S. market place. Bad decision after bad decision was made. The other downfall was the overall loss of focus. We got away from serving customers and shareholders and, instead, started to pay too much attention to which magazine had us in the top 100. Performance became irrelevant and diversity reigned supreme.

Remember when Lilly paid CC and you cared about all the products. The downfall of Lilly was the day they went to pay for preformance. Each rep was out to stab you in the back just to make a bigger bonus. Many of the reps cheated using preformance scripts, and fradulently filling them at pharmacies. Management looked the other way. Anything to be #1. Whether or not it was ethical. I am ashamed to say I work for Lilly.

Remember when Lilly paid CC and you cared about all the products. The downfall of Lilly was the day they went to pay for preformance. Each rep was out to stab you in the back just to make a bigger bonus. Many of the reps cheated using preformance scripts, and fradulently filling them at pharmacies. Management looked the other way. Anything to be #1. Whether or not it was ethical. I am ashamed to say I work for Lilly.

The old Kansas City Gamma district was noted for this.

Remember when Lilly paid CC and you cared about all the products. The downfall of Lilly was the day they went to pay for preformance. Each rep was out to stab you in the back just to make a bigger bonus. Many of the reps cheated using preformance scripts, and fradulently filling them at pharmacies. Management looked the other way. Anything to be #1. Whether or not it was ethical. I am ashamed to say I work for Lilly.

So quit already and give your conscience a break.

How true!
All changed when Sidney came into power and brought the Europeans with him into key positions. The main problem was that they had no real understanding of the U. S. market place. Bad decision after bad decision was made. The other downfall was the overall loss of focus. We got away from serving customers and shareholders and, instead, started to pay too much attention to which magazine had us in the top 100. Performance became irrelevant and diversity reigned supreme.

Hey there are a lot of bimbos in the sales force... the non-bimbos would heartily agree. Not sure what to say to bimbos... how to dumb it down...

Remember when Lilly paid CC and you cared about all the products. The downfall of Lilly was the day they went to pay for preformance. Each rep was out to stab you in the back just to make a bigger bonus. Many of the reps cheated using preformance scripts, and fradulently filling them at pharmacies. Management looked the other way. Anything to be #1. Whether or not it was ethical. I am ashamed to say I work for Lilly.

No need to be ashamed. You have to earn a paycheck. The fact Lilly is a rotten shell of its former self is not your fault.

Yes, Taurel is why the company is what it is today. Wasn't Kenneth Lay on the B.O.D. pre-Enron....yet another indicator.

Anyway, get out before the ship sinks. You can only mismanage a pharma company so long. At some point, you need new drugs and that apparently is not in the near future. 2011 is going to be rough but the years that follow will really be a major issue.

At least the pension is fully funded.

The real clusterfuck with this company was diabetes. Lilly owned diabetes. I don't remember if it was Tobias or Sidney who screwed that pooch. Diabetes is all over the place and Lilly, the company that first brought you insulin in the 1930s, the company that made the first biotech product, Humulin, the compny that brought you Humalog, can't even grow the product line.

A classic case study for business school of how to screw the pooch.

No need to be ashamed. You have to earn a paycheck. The fact Lilly is a rotten shell of its former self is not your fault.

Yes, Taurel is why the company is what it is today. Wasn't Kenneth Lay on the B.O.D. pre-Enron....yet another indicator.

Anyway, get out before the ship sinks. You can only mismanage a pharma company so long. At some point, you need new drugs and that apparently is not in the near future. 2011 is going to be rough but the years that follow will really be a major issue.

Very well said. You have my vote. The execs have been carpet-bagging for a few decades now, almost coincides with the demise of the Lilly leadership. Talk talk, all they can do is talk. Next time you want to promote someone, say not "whose arse do you kiss" but "what exactly the f*ck you gonna do and when and will it matter?"

Lilly is no different than all of big pharma. Those fat margin days are ending, CEOs manage qtr to qtr, only concerned about their pay. Screw the patients, employees, shareholders -it's all about #1.

Lilly is no different than all of big pharma. Those fat margin days are ending, CEOs manage qtr to qtr, only concerned about their pay. Screw the patients, employees, shareholders -it's all about #1.

"All about #1" - if the rest of the employees thought this way, the company would burst at the seams in a heartbeat. Not to say many contractors already know the game ... "we are all temporary ... so why should we move any faster?"

The only folks who take regularly scheduled breaks are... execs and contractors. Personally, fully equipped for a nice long break... life beyond Lilly is looking better all the time. Get some money in the bank, get ready for that next gig, and ride out these last days with style and grace, good luck to you!

Lilly was truly a unique company and great company to join when I did in the late 90's. The day I got my offer- I was proud to say I was going to work for a GREAT company. Then came the downfall of Prozac and the heavy hand of Wallstreet!

Remember getting your class pic taken in sales training? Might sound stupid, but it showed that as a person you were truly valued.

Remember the retirement parties that were given to employees who left after a lifetime with the company? Again--- showed that people cared.

Remember when you used to get $1500 to refer a candidate to Lilly who was hired and completed sales school? Values people- axed by DO in Six Sigma!

Remember when we had to wear suits EVERYDAY to training? Again- Lilly cared about it's people and the way it was portrayed to the public, NOT just the stockholders!

Remember when we could truly sell to our customers? Let's face it- (sorry to those of you under the age of 25 w/ bleach blonde hair and fake boobs) our new sales model is one where you could train a monkey- "show a glossy-recite a message-leave samples-repeat"

Remember when Lilly cared about ALL of it's products? Insulin was forgotten about in the early 2000's and look where that got Lilly as far as respect?

Remember when Lilly hired managers who actually had something to offer their direct reports? My last manager graduated from college in 1999 and was 26 when he was named manager! Great kid, but #1 he didn't get the respect from our team and definately didn't get the respect from our customers.

Remember when you did a speaker program to drive business i.e. QUALITY? Now it's about checking a box to meet the needs of a director who wants to look good to a BUL!

Remember when your director was someone who you could have a beer with, not someone who is paraded around like a hollywood celebrity!

Remember when your benefits i.e. health insurance was "company funded i.e. self insured" from Lilly not a smoke in mirrors health care account?

Remember when you got a company car, you drove it everywhere, and no one cared?

When was the last time a sales class learned about the history of Lilly? Does anyone hired after 2005 even know the history of Lilly?

Remember when Lilly was a prized organization in Indiana?

I could go on forever. 2005 was my last year with the flower and I truly miss the company I joined back in the good ol' days. Good Luck to my friend who have less than 80 points!

Remember when bread was 5 cents a loaf?

Previous poster- I started in 1998 (which was a long time ago) if you graduated in 2007! There in lies the problem with the Lilly of today! BTW- where'd you get your tiddies done?

I joined Lilly in 1973 and retired in 2006. I was an Executive Sales Representative that worked numerous territories and helped promote numerous managers. I couldn't agree more with the original post. I was fortunate to have 40 people at my retirement party. Grady wouldn't OK a company sponsorship so everyone kicked in for the dinner except for myself. Although the company has paid for elaborate retirement parties since mine it's all individual based upon the manager's reputation with the company. Unfortunately my manager sucked and my director was fired within a year of my departure. It doesn't matter what you have accomplished anymore it's just who you work for and how they are perceived.

I started with Lilly in 1970 and chose to retire 30 years later because of a lack of integrity in management. I requested that there be no official retirement party. However, my peers in the district put together one of the finest retirement parties ever, and they gave me a great send off into retirement. The people I worked with in the district were the very best, and I was priveliged to have worked with them.

Lilly has received 43 years of profits from the Lilly Insulin, Humulin and Humalog I have purchased...Now after working 22 years, and having great reviews until 12 months ago due to Type I Diabetes and medical leaves (first ones in 2009-2010), I am reallocated just three years prior to retirement? This is not an Answer that Matters. This is just sad.

You know what really happened to Lilly profit and integrity was when they did not renew the Novaquest Contract. My Lilly asshoile partners all stayed home and did shit all day. When I would ask my key doctors who there Lilly Rep was they would say what Lilly Rep. Novaquest was the Rock that Sold any shit drug that the Lilly Reps were having troubling moving market share with. Examples would be Straterra, Symbyax, Evista and Cialis. Cymbalta is a different story because it is a great drug and a monkey can sell that. Novaquest ruled the landscape when it came to customer relations with there docs and Lilly was just a second fiddle. That's all folks good luck Lilly suckers.

Remember when Lilly paid CC and you cared about all the products. The downfall of Lilly was the day they went to pay for preformance. Each rep was out to stab you in the back just to make a bigger bonus. Many of the reps cheated using preformance scripts, and fradulently filling them at pharmacies. Management looked the other way. Anything to be #1. Whether or not it was ethical. I am ashamed to say I work for Lilly.

HEY! Don't be ashamed that you work for Lilly.

You can, however, be ashamed that you don't know how to spell the word "PERFORMANCE".
Once maybe is a typo.
Twice means you are a fuckin idiot that shouldn't be here in the first place.