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Anyone watch 60 Minutes?


I wonder how much those 2 sales reps were paid to go on and be interviewed? Your CEO was a deer in headlights. You guys are no different then Valeant. You will be gutted soon.

I wonder how much those 2 sales reps were paid to go on and be interviewed? Your CEO was a deer in headlights. You guys are no different then Valeant. You will be gutted soon.

Probably nothing. They were fishing for people to talk to them about 6months ago here on CP. Truth is, when someone leaves Kaleo, they are filled with so much hatred and disgust for this company that they’d do it for free. Terrible, toxic culture.

spencer did an awesome job explaining why it is PBM fault and Kaleo needed that price.
All good and doctors don't care cos our product rules compared to needle and nose spray

spencer did an awesome job explaining why it is PBM fault and Kaleo needed that price.
All good and doctors don't care cos our product rules compared to needle and nose spray

The American media is awful in general, however, I’m not convinced that Kaleo’s approach is the “right” way. It seems a little greasy to me.

spencer did an awesome job explaining why it is PBM fault and Kaleo needed that price.
All good and doctors don't care cos our product rules compared to needle and nose spray

The fact is they soaked $142M from Medicare at $4k a pop is still hard to explain. If commercial insurance paid for it, that’s one thing, but the Senate report that comes out today, explains that the taxpayers paid full freight

100 million is couch change for government.
Also patient does not have to fill their prescription. If they wanted to go cheaper route they could have got the junk narcan or vial of naxoline. Best part of living in a free country is CHOICE

The fact is they soaked $142M from Medicare at $4k a pop is still hard to explain. If commercial insurance paid for it, that’s one thing, but the Senate report that comes out today, explains that the taxpayers paid full freight

The fact that reps were instructed to tell doctors to put ‘medically necessary’ on the PA forms so that Medicare and Medicaid would have to pay the $4k price is beyond unethical. Kaleo should be forced to pay some of that money back to the government. The compounding pharmacies got in big trouble for the same kind of unethical pricing. Only a matter of times until Kaleo is forced out of business. Deservedly so.

‘The Senate committee found that Medicare was paying an average of $3,522 for each Evzio unit and Medicaid was paying an average of $2,412. Meanwhile, commercial health insurers were only paying an average of $367, which meant that government health care programs were subsidizing usage. It is worth noting that lawmakers have probed Kaleo over pricing tactics for its Auvi-Q allergic reaction device, an EpiPen rival’

Pricing tactics for AuviQ are just are shady. TriCare is the government payer probably getting milked the most. Who knows how ASPN is charging health plans? The reps sure don’t.

‘The Senate committee found that Medicare was paying an average of $3,522 for each Evzio unit and Medicaid was paying an average of $2,412. Meanwhile, commercial health insurers were only paying an average of $367, which meant that government health care programs were subsidizing usage. It is worth noting that lawmakers have probed Kaleo over pricing tactics for its Auvi-Q allergic reaction device, an EpiPen rival’

Pricing tactics for AuviQ are just are shady. TriCare is the government payer probably getting milked the most. Who knows how ASPN is charging health plans? The reps sure don’t.

Anyone else notice how badly Spencer was shaking while talking to Lesly Stahl? Nervous much? At least put the brothers up there to defect their company.

‘The Senate committee found that Medicare was paying an average of $3,522 for each Evzio unit and Medicaid was paying an average of $2,412. Meanwhile, commercial health insurers were only paying an average of $367, which meant that government health care programs were subsidizing usage. It is worth noting that lawmakers have probed Kaleo over pricing tactics for its Auvi-Q allergic reaction device, an EpiPen rival’

Pricing tactics for AuviQ are just are shady. TriCare is the government payer probably getting milked the most. Who knows how ASPN is charging health plans? The reps sure don’t.

Anyone else notice how badly Spencer was shaking while talking to Lesly Stahl? Nervous much? At least put the brothers up there to defect their company.

It's all slimy. Keep in mind that every new start-up ( or new drug) deals with a HUB or specialty pharmacies and does the same thing. Kaleo is getting hammered because of the scrutiny on Opioids and addiction. Will Amgen/ Novartis get the same scrutiny for the migraine drug? Doing the same exact thing to Medicare and Medicaid, but on a much larger scale. Radius, Relypsa, Salix, Synergy, Dova, Alexion, Alkermes, etc... Everyone does it, doesn't make it right. 60 Minutes can make the same example. Commercial plans get a break. Medicare and Medicaid are viewed as unlimited, bottomless " low hanging fruit" from a compensation standpoint. This model isn't new. You guys just have the misfortune of T Smith now being the face of your company.

The Edward brothers are not sitting on a beach laughing their asses off. They are being illegally squeezed out of the company, against their wishes, by the sleaze-ball Upper management cos the brothers opposed to their unethical ways. Someone NEEDS to look into this!. Someone mentioned Valeant....Did anyone notice who the Quality assurance person was when that company tanked? Surprise Surprise Ann Rademacher!. She is now VP of quality at Kaleo and guess what they are doing.....sweeping shit under the rug that maybe life threatening to innocent folks....they'll have their hands covered with ppls blood soon if this doesn't stop!