Anyone struggling with their ML? I am...


Are they new to the company? Maybe they are new to the therapeutic area.
ML needs a good 6 months in a territory to get his/her bearings.

Novo ML position is tough to nail down. Lots applicants also. They rarely bring on any dumb rums.

Doesn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer if you know what I mean? Anyone else having a problem with their Medical Liaison?

I have a feeling that your ML doesn't answer to you nor do you evaluate their performance. What you're really saying here is that your ML won't do exactly as you want them to do. Take care of SALES and let your ML worry about MEDICAL.

I have a feeling that your ML doesn't answer to you nor do you evaluate their performance. What you're really saying here is that your ML won't do exactly as you want them to do. Take care of SALES and let your ML worry about MEDICAL.

ML's are necessary given most reps do not have any science background. Most questions, if not all, could be answer with a community college 2 year science degree. Then again medical/ legal has a prepared response for ML's too.

ML's are necessary given most reps do not have any science background. Most questions, if not all, could be answer with a community college 2 year science degree. Then again medical/ legal has a prepared response for ML's too.

Ha ha. ML here. Some questions are simple to answer. Most take more than an associate degree. Very little is prepared specifically by legal. The last I remember was in response to the degludec CRL.
It has been awhile since sales/medical can be together during a scientific dialogue and this response is evident. The scientific dialogue that goes back in forth between KOL's goes much deeper than "What pregnancy category is Victoza again?"
Anyways , I in medical appreciate what all you do in sales. You pay our salaries. I work well with my sales internal customers within guidelines. We both understand how our jobs are different.
There is a mutual respect.