Anyone happy in Neuro?

that is the point. might as well stay in big pharma. the " not from pharma " management team that has been brought in has forced many top preformers to leave . flagship product weeks backordred, other staple products are decades old, and the newest launch will fail faster than the product it replaced

Is it just me or are things continually getting worse? I've always accepted Integra's tendency toward dysfunction on the inside, but it seems everyday I wake up with a new challenge that is self inflicted by our own company. I'm spread way too thin on the street with no ability to work a strategy. My motivation is gone and selling is no longer enjoyable. With every new crisis that occurs I scratch my head and ask, "why am I still here?" I've become acutely aware of our blemishes and can't look past them any longer.

Is it just me or are things continually getting worse? I've always accepted Integra's tendency toward dysfunction on the inside, but it seems everyday I wake up with a new challenge that is self inflicted by our own company. I'm spread way too thin on the street with no ability to work a strategy. My motivation is gone and selling is no longer enjoyable. With every new crisis that occurs I scratch my head and ask, "why am I still here?" I've become acutely aware of our blemishes and can't look past them any longer.


Is it just me or are things continually getting worse? I've always accepted Integra's tendency toward dysfunction on the inside, but it seems everyday I wake up with a new challenge that is self inflicted by our own company. I'm spread way too thin on the street with no ability to work a strategy. My motivation is gone and selling is no longer enjoyable. With every new crisis that occurs I scratch my head and ask, "why am I still here?" I've become acutely aware of our blemishes and can't look past them any longer.

+1 Not just neuro though. Recon too. Absolutely leaderless. You would think after JF left things would get better. We cant get a product out on time, or with enough inventory to support a launch, ever! But I am sure sure they will figure a way to blame the sales reps for that failure too just as management has blamed us for the inventory issues, shortages, etc. Too bad. This could be a great place to work.

I have received a call for the Neuro Detroit, Michigan open position this evening by a recruiter. Can anyone tell me if this is worth taking, and why it is open? The recruiter said he did not know and would look into why it is open. Coming from light medical, little OR surgery experience. Making 130k currently. Thanks for any help.

Is it just me or are things continually getting worse? I've always accepted Integra's tendency toward dysfunction on the inside, but it seems everyday I wake up with a new challenge that is self inflicted by our own company. I'm spread way too thin on the street with no ability to work a strategy. My motivation is gone and selling is no longer enjoyable. With every new crisis that occurs I scratch my head and ask, "why am I still here?" I've become acutely aware of our blemishes and can't look past them any longer.

What's the over/under on the amount of reps we lose in the comming months?