Anyone happy in Neuro?


I've been approached about taking a territory that is in great shape. Revenue is over a mil and the business seems well protected. I am hearing from past employees that the company is tough to work for (Changing comp plans/Micro management/ lack of sales mentality). Perhaps everyone I've spoken with is slightly disgruntled so I'd like to hear from anyone that may be happy in this division. Does the comp plan allow a territory to hit the 2 mil mark and yield 200k plus in revenue?

Is duragen business becoming tougher to defend?

To answer the 200k question, I would say based on past experience that very rarely does Integra allow ANY rep to make that $$. It happens but very infrequently. Their mentality is to cut territories or comp plans to make sure 80% plus of the reps make in the 120k range. Just my thoughts.

NO! Great sales team, leadership is the worst they are all from big pharma not device. Expect to be treated like a moron and make an ok living and you will be fine, think big pharma rep. most hate it and are looking

Nobody is happy & nobody cares. The leadership isn't interested in your bitchin, its every man for himself and if you have an issue with it leave. People that care dont last.

If you like to get treated a 12 year old...then this is the place for you. All the big shot managers here think they are special.....and they love micro managing to a point where you will just get stressed out and quit. I would love for someone to disagree with me on way because its the truth!

12 is generous, it is more like a 3 year old with adhd. I would love for management to provide some real direction and insight about what they are thinking and why these ridiculous activities are going to make us successful. Does anyone know if there are still people left in the marketing department or did they all quit?

If you like to get treated a 12 year old...then this is the place for you. All the big shot managers here think they are special.....and they love micro managing to a point where you will just get stressed out and quit. I would love for someone to disagree with me on way because its the truth!

Can you describe the "micromanaging"? How is it different than all the big pharma b.s? Don't you have a bit more freedom to actually "sell" something vs. stupid HQ driven bullet points?

that is the point. might as well stay in big pharma. the " not from pharma " management team that has been brought in has forced many top preformers to leave . flagship product weeks backordred, other staple products are decades old, and the newest launch will fail faster than the product it replaced