anyone happy at RC

I agree. It really is a F'ed up place to be. Communication is terrible, and unless your willing to lie, cheat and steal and have zero dignity you will fail. You really need to be part of the "cool girls club" and they are not accepting new applications if you have a brain. Also, don't forget unless you drink both the mars and rc cool aid like you're in a cult following the ufo behind the hale-bop comet, you will be looked at as scum.

Place is totally corrupt. It's all about who's butt you kiss. Look who is in charge of the vet division. The biggest snake and butt kisser there is. A failure in every position he's been in. Customers know it. That's why we are so far off goal. Incompetent butt kissers running the show.

Place is totally corrupt. It's all about who's butt you kiss. Look who is in charge of the vet division. The biggest snake and butt kisser there is. A failure in every position he's been in. Customers know it. That's why we are so far off goal. Incompetent butt kissers running the show.

Someone drank some haterade

Dear Unhappy Employee,

Seriously - do you have nothing better to do than complain on this site? Negativity doesn't help and only brings you down and the others that get sucked in around you. Have a problem / See a problem? SUGGEST A SOLUTION. We're always open to all suggestions. Don't like your job? ASK FOR HELP WITH YOUR DEVELOPMENT SO WE CAN HELP YOU RE-ENGAGE. HOWEVER, IF YOU'RE REALLY UNHAPPY THEN LEAVE AND FIND A PLACE WHERE YOU'LL BE HAPPIER. No one is forcing you to stay. Maybe you're in the wrong industry, maybe you don't actually enjoy sales. Read the book "What Color is your Parachute", it's an inspiring book that helps people find their best career path.

Your disengagement probably shows in more ways than one. You have teammates that actually like their jobs and enjoy what they're doing! And so they probably don't appreciate your negativity and maybe even distance themselves from you.

As you can see, I'm putting my name on this because I'm tired of seeing the ridiculous bashing of great people and completely ignorant comments. I've been here 13 years, worked my butt off to get my success both in the field and in management (with no "butt kissing" as you alluded others did). My #1 priority is the sales people in this company. I carried the bag myself for 7 years and was it always 100% perfect? NO. But, no company ever is. Especially when they're growing as quickly as we are. I've been through a merger, discontinuation of multiple products, a HUGE recall, re-orgs, 2 expansions, etc. I know it can be confusing and frustrating. However, there is no one living in an Ivory Tower that can't be called or emailed. So, if you want to talk, suggest solutions, ask questions or vent - call me directly. My cell phone # and email are on the roster and I'm always available. Truly.

Thanks, Victoria Burke

Dear Unhappy Employee,

Seriously - do you have nothing better to do than complain on this site? Negativity doesn't help and only brings you down and the others that get sucked in around you. Have a problem / See a problem? SUGGEST A SOLUTION. We're always open to all suggestions. Don't like your job? ASK FOR HELP WITH YOUR DEVELOPMENT SO WE CAN HELP YOU RE-ENGAGE. HOWEVER, IF YOU'RE REALLY UNHAPPY THEN LEAVE AND FIND A PLACE WHERE YOU'LL BE HAPPIER. No one is forcing you to stay. Maybe you're in the wrong industry, maybe you don't actually enjoy sales. Read the book "What Color is your Parachute", it's an inspiring book that helps people find their best career path.

Your disengagement probably shows in more ways than one. You have teammates that actually like their jobs and enjoy what they're doing! And so they probably don't appreciate your negativity and maybe even distance themselves from you.

As you can see, I'm putting my name on this because I'm tired of seeing the ridiculous bashing of great people and completely ignorant comments. I've been here 13 years, worked my butt off to get my success both in the field and in management (with no "butt kissing" as you alluded others did). My #1 priority is the sales people in this company. I carried the bag myself for 7 years and was it always 100% perfect? NO. But, no company ever is. Especially when they're growing as quickly as we are. I've been through a merger, discontinuation of multiple products, a HUGE recall, re-orgs, 2 expansions, etc. I know it can be confusing and frustrating. However, there is no one living in an Ivory Tower that can't be called or emailed. So, if you want to talk, suggest solutions, ask questions or vent - call me directly. My cell phone # and email are on the roster and I'm always available. Truly.

Thanks, Victoria Burke

Well put and good for you putting your name on this post, all of the neg posters won't do the same. I'm sure you will get some backlash on here, but know, the sales team respects you!

I find it amusing that company brass has to go on an anonymous internet board to make the troops tow the company line. Most respectable organizations would fire an individual for doing such a thing.

There are legal issues when you do this. The EEOC recognizes employment law (and retaliation) and if you ever try to push someone out that you suspect made comments here (given what you stated, worldwide I might add) RC's ass could be a little smarter about thinking with your emotions and posting to a website where you can never take your comments back. EVER. You give the state evidence when you do be smart.

And...I agree to what she is saying...if you hate it here you should leave. That goes for any job. Being happy or somewhat happy (after all this is nothing more than a job) is important.

This place doesn't have a checkered past in who and why someone gets promoted and this is a problem. In fact you have promoted some of the dumbest Cheeto eaters where it's obvious this was based on a man-crush or some other weird cult-like affection. Don't make me name names but I think you know who I am talking about.

Lastly...some of us are here treating this place as a bus stop. Most are top performers just biding their times and interviewing behind the scenes to get positions with better earning potential and opportunity (unlike this place.) Look at the past and present..wonder why the talented ones leave for better jobs? Come on. Don't pretend it's not happening.

I hope this helps you understand why you can't keep talent and helps you explore that you may be blinded by your pride.

Dear Unhappy Employee,

Seriously - do you have nothing better to do than complain on this site? Negativity doesn't help and only brings you down and the others that get sucked in around you. Have a problem / See a problem? SUGGEST A SOLUTION. We're always open to all suggestions. Don't like your job? ASK FOR HELP WITH YOUR DEVELOPMENT SO WE CAN HELP YOU RE-ENGAGE. HOWEVER, IF YOU'RE REALLY UNHAPPY THEN LEAVE AND FIND A PLACE WHERE YOU'LL BE HAPPIER. No one is forcing you to stay. Maybe you're in the wrong industry, maybe you don't actually enjoy sales. Read the book "What Color is your Parachute", it's an inspiring book that helps people find their best career path.

Your disengagement probably shows in more ways than one. You have teammates that actually like their jobs and enjoy what they're doing! And so they probably don't appreciate your negativity and maybe even distance themselves from you.

As you can see, I'm putting my name on this because I'm tired of seeing the ridiculous bashing of great people and completely ignorant comments. I've been here 13 years, worked my butt off to get my success both in the field and in management (with no "butt kissing" as you alluded others did). My #1 priority is the sales people in this company. I carried the bag myself for 7 years and was it always 100% perfect? NO. But, no company ever is. Especially when they're growing as quickly as we are. I've been through a merger, discontinuation of multiple products, a HUGE recall, re-orgs, 2 expansions, etc. I know it can be confusing and frustrating. However, there is no one living in an Ivory Tower that can't be called or emailed. So, if you want to talk, suggest solutions, ask questions or vent - call me directly. My cell phone # and email are on the roster and I'm always available. Truly.

Thanks, Victoria Burke
Victoria, Did you write this post on company time using a company computer?

Dear Unhappy Employee,

Seriously - do you have nothing better to do than complain on this site? Negativity doesn't help and only brings you down and the others that get sucked in around you. Have a problem / See a problem? SUGGEST A SOLUTION. We're always open to all suggestions. Don't like your job? ASK FOR HELP WITH YOUR DEVELOPMENT SO WE CAN HELP YOU RE-ENGAGE. HOWEVER, IF YOU'RE REALLY UNHAPPY THEN LEAVE AND FIND A PLACE WHERE YOU'LL BE HAPPIER. No one is forcing you to stay. Maybe you're in the wrong industry, maybe you don't actually enjoy sales. Read the book "What Color is your Parachute", it's an inspiring book that helps people find their best career path.

Your disengagement probably shows in more ways than one. You have teammates that actually like their jobs and enjoy what they're doing! And so they probably don't appreciate your negativity and maybe even distance themselves from you.

As you can see, I'm putting my name on this because I'm tired of seeing the ridiculous bashing of great people and completely ignorant comments. I've been here 13 years, worked my butt off to get my success both in the field and in management (with no "butt kissing" as you alluded others did). My #1 priority is the sales people in this company. I carried the bag myself for 7 years and was it always 100% perfect? NO. But, no company ever is. Especially when they're growing as quickly as we are. I've been through a merger, discontinuation of multiple products, a HUGE recall, re-orgs, 2 expansions, etc. I know it can be confusing and frustrating. However, there is no one living in an Ivory Tower that can't be called or emailed. So, if you want to talk, suggest solutions, ask questions or vent - call me directly. My cell phone # and email are on the roster and I'm always available. Truly.

Thanks, Victoria Burke

The nonsense posted by this area manager is exactly the problem. First off, we have inexperienced managers that are in these positions because of their gender or race. They throw around buzz words like " engagement" but have no idea what it truly means or how to apply. All we want is to make money! She talks about growth??? Huh? We are so far off our goal it's a joke. But obviously the wool has been pulled over these managers' and key account people who travel around staying in the best hotels running up bar tabs like the apocalypse is coming accomplishing zero. If you want to get serious about fixing this place start cleaning house.

This place is a disgrace. Drunken idiots in management positions bleeding the corporate nipple and completely out of tune with what is even happening in the company and with customers. I don't feel bad about doing nothing and collecting a pay check as I make a fraction of what the so called managers make. Hilarious how stupid these people are.

If this company is going down due to the bad management, then you should be rejoicing. Why are you worried about the people in the company? I hope that your negativity does not rub on your present employer.

Here we go again failing to accept and do anything about the problems. Unfortunately it's not easy finding a new job when most of a company is looking for a new job. Blue Buffalo can't hire everyone-yet. Please wake up and stop pretending this place does not have major issues.

Here we go again failing to accept and do anything about the problems. Unfortunately it's not easy finding a new job when most of a company is looking for a new job. Blue Buffalo can't hire everyone-yet. Please wake up and stop pretending this place does not have major issues.

Who wrote this?? You must work for hills????