Anyone ever do inside pharma sales?


I am tired of the windshield time and I am close enough to drive to HQ for work, would I be crazy to do some inside work? I figured it would be good to get my face in with the HQ types as I could then explore other in-house areas. Jus wondering if anyone has any experience and the good and bad vs. outside sales?

I am tired of the windshield time and I am close enough to drive to HQ for work, would I be crazy to do some inside work? I figured it would be good to get my face in with the HQ types as I could then explore other in-house areas. Jus wondering if anyone has any experience and the good and bad vs. outside sales?

calling bluff on this post too...pity such a well rehearsed set-up and approach. Problem is anyone who knows pharma, knows the advantages to outside sales. If anyone answers this posters question, get ready for "who with" "How many inside reps" "what products" blah blah blah. Snitchy snoops suck.

calling bluff on this post too...pity such a well rehearsed set-up and approach. Problem is anyone who knows pharma, knows the advantages to outside sales. If anyone answers this posters question, get ready for "who with" "How many inside reps" "what products" blah blah blah. Snitchy snoops suck.

what about anyone who knows pharma also knows the DISadvantages of outside sales? I don't want to have to drive around all day, chase signatures, cater lunches, and worry about backstabbing counterparts.

sorry if I am a disgruntled, burnt out rep looking for something different than the drone like job you seem to enjoy and know so much about


Oh lord another person who thinks every single person is out to get inside info. Who gives a fuck?

So many fucking cry babies on here. If i had some "inside" info for you I would help out. Sorry bud

Oh lord another person who thinks every single person is out to get inside info. Who gives a fuck?

So many fucking cry babies on here. If i had some "inside" info for you I would help out. Sorry bud

learn to give a fuck dip shit. Maybe not this poster, but plenty of losers on here are making money off the free shit they rip off of fuck tards like you. no one will give a shit when you're the one fired for happily feeding the shit heads...only a true ass hole likes to be taken advantage of and lend a hand to complete scum bags. Which is worse the unethical rip off artists or the idiots who enjoy being ripped off. If you only saw their smug little work sessions where they come up with bull shit ideas and approaches to use to fake people into spilling info without knowing they are selling the shit they find to competitors.

So, ummm, anyone ever try the inside sales thing? Can you make a comparable salary? You lose a car but gain by not having to waste time driving around all that seems like a wash, in my opinion. Is it literally 9-5 staring at a computer screen? Would love to hear anyone's experiences.....but no more responses like the last three, please.

if you can do any kind of sales, you should be able to have a real conversation with someone who knows you and actually cares to share. Get a personality and do your own friggin' homework.

So, ummm, anyone ever try the inside sales thing? Can you make a comparable salary? You lose a car but gain by not having to waste time driving around all that seems like a wash, in my opinion. Is it literally 9-5 staring at a computer screen? Would love to hear anyone's experiences.....but no more responses like the last three, please.

Yes. Small bio pharm in Cheshire Ct. Inside sales is done by the nurses. Three times any salary any BSN should make more than most NP or new MD s for that matter. (150-200/yr) No car but huge stocks plus bonuses on par with the reps. Get team quarterly incentives just like outside reps. But you have to have the RN cause we peddle to the patients too.

Probably not a bad idea to 'move' inside, maybe not into inside sales (think cubicle, telephone headset, autodial telephone calls, and nice script..ugh) but more marketing and more importantly follow the money finance accounting...get some exposure, beef up the resume, maybe get a real step up corp. ladder or new offer elsewhere...HAVE a plan and timeline before taking the plunge , being a rep is like groundhog day..nice gig but not a lot of change..

I've done both inside/outsidepharma sales and like/dislike things about both positions. Obviously the rapport building aspect of outside sales is much stronger because of more points of contact and face to face expression. On the phone, dialogue is very limited, and you have to close for your objective very quickly before the gatekeeper or MA gets agitated because you are taking up time they could be checking in patients. There is something to be said, however, for the pure volume of activity that can be obtained inside vs. outside. I still believe if your product is a fairly technical sell, it's advantageous to be in front of the customer physically. I also found inside sales usually pays a little less, and there certainly a loss of autonomy, meaning you can't just create your own pace and schedule.

I've done both inside/outsidepharma sales and like/dislike things about both positions. Obviously the rapport building aspect of outside sales is much stronger because of more points of contact and face to face expression. On the phone, dialogue is very limited, and you have to close for your objective very quickly before the gatekeeper or MA gets agitated because you are taking up time they could be checking in patients. There is something to be said, however, for the pure volume of activity that can be obtained inside vs. outside. I still believe if your product is a fairly technical sell, it's advantageous to be in front of the customer physically. I also found inside sales usually pays a little less, and there certainly a loss of autonomy, meaning you can't just create your own pace and schedule.

calling bluff on this post too...pity such a well rehearsed set-up and approach. Problem is anyone who knows pharma, knows the advantages to outside sales. If anyone answers this posters question, get ready for "who with" "How many inside reps" "what products" blah blah blah. Snitchy snoops suck.

calling bluff on this post too...pity such a well rehearsed set-up and approach. Problem is anyone who knows pharma, knows the advantages to outside sales. If anyone answers this posters question, get ready for "who with" "How many inside reps" "what products" blah blah blah. Snitchy snoops suck.

Yes, almost a year later and no one has yet to ask what products or companies yet, have they fucktard? So why don't you let the conversation roll and stop with your sucky responses. The REAL problem with anyone who knows Pharma is that outside Pharma can be a drag driving around and delivering lunches and samples in the foul weather, etc. Maybe some of outside folks would rather just do product messaging, be it in front of someone or over a computer/phone connection in a nice warm office park. Maybe that's why we wonder about inside sales and possible advantages. If you don't have a productive response to the conversation, we'd rather not hear your responses to whatever sinister plot you are hearing on your deranged mind.

The biggest drawback I see is the loss of a car. If you factor in the car, gas, insurance, etc....That's probably worth $7 or $8k that you're losing right from the start. Also factor in th salary tends to be a bit less also. You may free yourself of windshield time, but now you have hours and hours of "monitor time" which may be just as bad. You also lose the flexibility of being out on your own and adjusting your schedule if need be. I'd try to get as much info about the job, and if you can, try to talk to those doing the job. If you end up doing it, please report back on here. We'd love to hear the firsthand view.

I just started doing the inside thing. The car was the biggest loss. I now have to deal with insurance and oil changes, tires, etc. You obviously lose your freedom of being "out on your own" but with iPad tracers and time stamps, etc. much of that freedom has already been lost. The pluses for me were no longer dealing with driving all day long just to drop off samples and deliver lunches. I don't want have to deal with another group of fat, old, and uneducated support staff walking into the exams room/lunch office and look all disgusted because my sandwich wrap special wasn't good enough for them. I now walk in to a business casual environment, talk from 9-5, turn off my station and go home. No more late nights catching up on emails and routing adjustments, no more end of the day calls to Olive Garden to set up the next day's lunch, no more stocking the trunk full of samples, no more worrying about counterparts not pulling their load, no more suffering all day wearing a tie in 90 degree heat. After a six month learning curve, I will have the flexibility to work from home 3 days a week, plus any days of inclimate weather. The salary and bonus is very close to what I was making outside. It may not be the best for all, but for me I wish I did this sooner!!

One benefit of the pandemic was the realization that virtual sales can be a better option for a burned out field rep. Yes, I make less money but I also have way less stress. The stress of my last job was absolutely killing me being stuck working for a clueless manager and even worse pod mates. Now I just roll out of bed makes a few calls, and mix in household chores, tv time, snacking, walk the pooch, and mix in some more calls The best job I’ve ever had!!