Anyone else going to double-dip when they start at Novo

The reason not to double dip----high stakes test!

No worries here. I sold Lantus, worked at Sanofi for many years. Not much of a challenge to pass the cupcake Novo testing as I kicked your ass in field year after year. Nobody will be able to prove I'm going to double-dip, hell I might even put in some field time at my old job during my Novo home study. There will be some accounts I'll want to tell about my new job, tell them to stop writing Novo products until I'm in the field. That way, it will also look like I made an immediate impact and saved Novo's ass once I start.

No worries here. I sold Lantus, worked at Sanofi for many years. Not much of a challenge to pass the cupcake Novo testing as I kicked your ass in field year after year. Nobody will be able to prove I'm going to double-dip, hell I might even put in some field time at my old job during my Novo home study. There will be some accounts I'll want to tell about my new job, tell them to stop writing Novo products until I'm in the field. That way, it will also look like I made an immediate impact and saved Novo's ass once I start.

Wow. You are SOOOOO ultra-cool. How do you do it, tough guy???

No worries here. I sold Lantus, worked at Sanofi for many years. Not much of a challenge to pass the cupcake Novo testing as I kicked your ass in field year after year. Nobody will be able to prove I'm going to double-dip, hell I might even put in some field time at my old job during my Novo home study. There will be some accounts I'll want to tell about my new job, tell them to stop writing Novo products until I'm in the field. That way, it will also look like I made an immediate impact and saved Novo's ass once I start.

Haha! LMAO because I saw several people with diabetes experience GO HOME Unemployed BECAUSE THEY DID NOT PASS THE HIGH STAKES TEST! Keep on ego tripping ...and your azz will be going home too!

Haha! LMAO because I saw several people with diabetes experience GO HOME Unemployed BECAUSE THEY DID NOT PASS THE HIGH STAKES TEST! Keep on ego tripping ...and your azz will be going home too!

Keep trying pal. I've got a degree in nursing, along with another science degree. Unlike most of you pharma pussies, I have real world clinical experience treating patients. I also schooled the Novo reps for many years while I sold Lantus. I'm not at all worried about the "HIGH STAKES TEST" you pharma pussies with liberal arts degrees worry about. Do you see now why I'm not worried about double dipping, I could take your 'HIGH STAKES TEST' in my sleep. Now go do something useful and plan a pod meeting.

Keep trying pal. I've got a degree in nursing, along with another science degree. Unlike most of you pharma pussies, I have real world clinical experience treating patients. I also schooled the Novo reps for many years while I sold Lantus. I'm not at all worried about the "HIGH STAKES TEST" you pharma pussies with liberal arts degrees worry about. Do you see now why I'm not worried about double dipping, I could take your 'HIGH STAKES TEST' in my sleep. Now go do something useful and plan a pod meeting.

Ooooohhh. Tough guy is back. We're shaking, Lantus will we ever match up to you!!!????

Keep trying pal. I've got a degree in nursing, along with another science degree. Unlike most of you pharma pussies, I have real world clinical experience treating patients. I also schooled the Novo reps for many years while I sold Lantus. I'm not at all worried about the "HIGH STAKES TEST" you pharma pussies with liberal arts degrees worry about. Do you see now why I'm not worried about double dipping, I could take your 'HIGH STAKES TEST' in my sleep. Now go do something useful and plan a pod meeting.

Didn't make it at Sanofi, huh? Good luck here douche.

18 year vet and 4 time double dipper here. A few words of advice.

1. Don't tell a single person what your doing (MOST IMPORTANT)
2. When you resign, find out immediately when ur mgr is going to check you out to make sure it doesn't conflict with training ect.
3. Also remember that most pharma companies will pay you for two weeks from the day you officially resign, so they may ask you to dump your samples or require you to be available during those last two weeks so don't stretch it out so that your off in training during that time.
4. It ALL depends on how cool your former mgr is on how smooth the double dipping goes, so if he/she is a punk then don't risk it.

Good luck

So what? What law am I breaking? I'm not cheating Novo, I'll pass their test and training and do great at the job. My old company will be pissed, but what are they going to me? I just quit.

It's not the old job you need to worry about. Most markets are small world situations and everyone knows everyone else. Only about 2 degrees of separation. If someone at the company you quit gets wind, don't think they can't get word to the new company through the grapevine. Chances are you are going to do it. If you really need the job, I hope you don't get caught. I did it once so I'm not an angel. It was one of the most stressful things ever and I would never do it again.

Don't do it. I took a job with Novo about 7 years ago and thought it would be a good idea to collect 2 paychecks while I was in Novo training. Somehow, Novo found out about this and I was pulled out of my training class in Princeton and fired on the spot for unethical behavior. My other employer found out too and also terminated me. To this day, I still don't know how they found out and it doesn't matter anymore. I was able to get another pharma job but it took a couple of months and a serious lesson in humility. Take it from a loser that did it, don't do it to yourself and more importantly don't do it to your family. That was the most ashamed I've been in my entire life and will never do anything like that again.

Are you gave enough imformation to identify you...or you are a liar. Which one are you

I stretched the truth so I could not be identified. Perhaps I changed the time frame, perhaps I'm in industrial sales now and not in pharma. Point is, it happened to me (getting fired for double dipping) and I wanted to share my story. I still have friends at Novo and they told me about this expansion....which is why I'm on the Novo site. I'm just curious on what is going on at Novo and what people are saying about how big the company is getting. I saw this thread and it this thread is personal to me, so I shared my story.

Is it considered "double dipping" or a violation of NNI policy to turn in two weeks notice to the company I am leaving the Friday before home study starts? I would still collect pay from both companies for the same period (as I would collect the two weeks pay that I gave notice for) but would have officially resigned.

This doesn't seem like it would be a violation but want to be clear.

Is it considered "double dipping" or a violation of NNI policy to turn in two weeks notice to the company I am leaving the Friday before home study starts? I would still collect pay from both companies for the same period (as I would collect the two weeks pay that I gave notice for) but would have officially resigned.

This doesn't seem like it would be a violation but want to be clear.

It's all subjective in the eyes of the employer and the intent of the employee. If you had an offer within days of your new start date, then no it's not double dipping if you were honest with your previous employer and they paid you for two weeks. If you've had the job lined up for, say a month or so, then yes it's double dipping. You deliberately staggered your resignation to collect two paychecks at the same time - that is double dipping.