Anyone else going to double-dip when they start at Novo


I was with a girl in training who got fired from Novo for trying to double dip.

That's BS. How did Novo find out?

I was hired a few years ago and double dipped for 4 weeks from my old company while I was on home study and live training. I strategically took sick days and made sure I brought my laptop and logged calls. I made almost 14k in one month from base in both jobs, also by doing that I was eligible for my last bonus at my previous company. There is no way Novo can find out. You really need to be worried about your previous employer finding out. I wasn't in a pod so I didn't have any coworkers that could have ratted me out.

That's BS. How did Novo find out?

I was hired a few years ago and double dipped for 4 weeks from my old company while I was on home study and live training. I strategically took sick days and made sure I brought my laptop and logged calls. I made almost 14k in one month from base in both jobs, also by doing that I was eligible for my last bonus at my previous company. There is no way Novo can find out. You really need to be worried about your previous employer finding out. I wasn't in a pod so I didn't have any coworkers that could have ratted me out.

It's not BS. Not sure how they found out, but they came into the middle of the training class and escorted here out.

It's not BS. Not sure how they found out, but they came into the middle of the training class and escorted here out.

Are you sure it was for double dipping? I've heard Novo has delayed background checks on once caught a DUI on somebody when they were in the middle of training. That person was also pulled out of training and fired immediately.

I would have done it in the early 80s - 90s. Not today. It is just not worth it.

Income data, IRS, records ect. are too intrusive for my appetite re: a couple thousand.

It is like stealing a candy bar when you have two dollars in your wallet. Stupid.

The reason not to double dip----high stakes test!

Yeah, no joke! That test is going to require that you focus your attention minimally 8 to 5 pm every day for two weeks - it is extremely difficult & YOU WILL NOT HAVE A SPOT IF YOU FAIL TO PASS IT. Yes, you get a second shot to pass, but you will have to study for it on your own time during training, not while everyone is in class. No were warned!

Yeah, no joke! That test is going to require that you focus your attention minimally 8 to 5 pm every day for two weeks - it is extremely difficult & YOU WILL NOT HAVE A SPOT IF YOU FAIL TO PASS IT. Yes, you get a second shot to pass, but you will have to study for it on your own time during training, not while everyone is in class. No were warned!

If they don't believe this they will be a stat just like the 18 that were sent home this past training class!

Yeah, no joke! That test is going to require that you focus your attention minimally 8 to 5 pm every day for two weeks - it is extremely difficult & YOU WILL NOT HAVE A SPOT IF YOU FAIL TO PASS IT. Yes, you get a second shot to pass, but you will have to study for it on your own time during training, not while everyone is in class. No were warned!

I don't actually plan on working at my old job. I'm going to milk their dime while I start at novo, 2-3 weeks into novo training I'll resign my current job. Not a big deal, novo will never know. My current employer will never know either.

Loose lips buddy. You are already bragging "anonymously". How long until you let it slip to someone that you are so smart and cool that you are "double dipping". Somebody could catch you. Small world in pharmaceuticals.

Loose lips buddy. You are already bragging "anonymously". How long until you let it slip to someone that you are so smart and cool that you are "double dipping". Somebody could catch you. Small world in pharmaceuticals.

So what? What law am I breaking? I'm not cheating Novo, I'll pass their test and training and do great at the job. My old company will be pissed, but what are they going to me? I just quit.

I don't actually plan on working at my old job. I'm going to milk their dime while I start at novo, 2-3 weeks into novo training I'll resign my current job. Not a big deal, novo will never know. My current employer will never know either.

Excuse me, this is called integrity, and clearly you have none. Your old company will be happy to lose you and looks like Novo hired another winner??!!

Don't hate the player, hate the game. You wish you had the balls to do something like this too.

What??? The game is only a game because of the it would makes sense to comment on the players you dork. People don't need balls to do this, you need balls to be brave, or help people, or defend a right. Faking dates of employment, lying about departures, and taking money from a company when you were working elsewhere (unless you're cashing in vacation days) is called deception and corporate theft...or in your case, ballsy. Enjoy.

Yeah, no joke! That test is going to require that you focus your attention minimally 8 to 5 pm every day for two weeks - it is extremely difficult & YOU WILL NOT HAVE A SPOT IF YOU FAIL TO PASS IT. Yes, you get a second shot to pass, but you will have to study for it on your own time during training, not while everyone is in class. No were warned!


YOU will need all day and night in addition to weekends to pass. EVERYONE (in the August training class) HAD TO PUT IN THOSE CRAZY HOURS TO SCORE 85 or higher.

So what? What law am I breaking? I'm not cheating Novo, I'll pass their test and training and do great at the job. My old company will be pissed, but what are they going to me? I just quit.

You're not cheating Novo? By both you current employer and Novo, you would be in violation of company policy. So, you're cheating Novo and your current company. Nice try and acting like it's OK, but no one, at ANY company, would say it is. I'm sure you're setting a fine example for your kids--"as long as you don't get caught, do anything you want to put more money in your pocket." Great lesson, Dad.