Anyone else getting tired of the constant pressure to push Mako?


Jesus, this is getting old. I’m sure the younger reps that haven’t been in joints for more than a few years have a hard time seeing through this B.S. but this is getting old.

You don’t need a robot or navigation to do a good knee. I’m happy to sell it to those who are interested, but it doesn’t make sense for everyone. Bottom line, let me run my territory as I see fit. Been in the top 10-15% for the past 7 years. I think I know my customers better than some corporate genius sitting behind a desk.

You don’t need a robot or navigation to do a good knee. I’m happy to sell it to those who are interested, but it doesn’t make sense for everyone. Bottom line, let me run my territory as I see fit. Been in the top 10-15% for the past 7 years. I think I know my customers better than some corporate genius sitting behind a desk.

This is the problem old guard know it alls
Become fossil fuel dinosaur

To the ‘younger guard’, robotics will become a me-too product in the next 5 years. If you don’t understand the fundamentals in performing a well balanced total knee then have fun competing with the ‘old guard’

I’m getting a little tired of your complaining. Now get your ass out there and mako it happen or I’ll replace you with the backup linebacker who always said he was better than you. I heard you skip leg day too. Pussy.

here we go again with the back in the day stories.....
Its over gramps accept it new
Way of doing thimgs be grateful ur still here!
No one cares a out doing gen 1 gammas on new years in 1987!
And let
The new guard and mako run it

Its ur mom not ur ex

here we go again with the back in the day stories.....
Its over gramps accept it new
Way of doing thimgs be grateful ur still here!
No one cares a out doing gen 1 gammas on new years in 1987!
And let
The new guard and mako run it

Its ur mom not ur ex
Gamma or no doesn't change the fact that you are not making the same coin the old guard was at your age. That's just the way things are nowadays.

P.S. My mom is dead. It makes perfect sense... Based on your posts and intellect, you have no chance of hooking up with a living, breathing female.

she was dead the day you were conceived!
Again, save your big money stories for the nsm get together with the same fossils you have met with for last 15 years and boast about how much money you made in 1988 doing press fit bipolar hips in 90 year olds and how you were the star of your jv football team when you recovered a fumble to ensure your jv had a winning season!!
Wow what a role model and perfect example of the typical recon assholes I want to be like you!
58 still in the or bc your only friends are surgeons and staff bc you deficated your life to this lifestyle cost you your wife kids house dog and car but you made alot of money at 32 maybe you should write a book or a country song

she was dead the day you were conceived!
Again, save your big money stories for the nsm get together with the same fossils you have met with for last 15 years and boast about how much money you made in 1988 doing press fit bipolar hips in 90 year olds and how you were the star of your jv football team when you recovered a fumble to ensure your jv had a winning season!!
Wow what a role model and perfect example of the typical recon assholes I want to be like you!
58 still in the or bc your only friends are surgeons and staff bc you deficated your life to this lifestyle cost you your wife kids house dog and car but you made alot of money at 32 maybe you should write a book or a country song
Woooooow...I struck the nerve yet again.
Dude, you've been trolled!
I was never a Syk rep. (I know many), am happily married and definitely not as wound up as you are.
Now go back to your parents basement, look at all of your participation trophies and get a good night sleep before leg day.
I'm lmfao at how gullible you millennials are.

Woooooow...I struck the nerve yet again.
Dude, you've been trolled!
I was never a Syk rep. (I know many), am happily married and definitely not as wound up as you are.
Now go back to your parents basement, look at all of your participation trophies and get a good night sleep before leg day.
I'm lmfao at how gullible you millennials are.

Wow im passionate about what i do

You are a loser probably overwright, unemployed or at best fry manager at Checkers
Divorced and nothing to do with miserable life thsn to go on these sites

What a loser

Jesus, this is getting old. I’m sure the younger reps that haven’t been in joints for more than a few years have a hard time seeing through this B.S. but this is getting old.

Dude, there is no future in joints without MAKO. Get on board or go find another robot that guarantee's you buy the Stryker joint over the life of it. No Robot you can buy a joint for half price that's just like the one you sell. Will you the half your commission or none at all? Sell the freakin robot or die a slow death.

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