• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

Anyone contacted by a Private Investigator about this company?

Correction: It's promoting one drug. That is why we have so much time for just about everything. The PI contacted me about off label promotion of Benicar for the reduction of microalbinuria. I told him I thought that we were approved for this. Anyone else here anything about this?

This is all a load of krap! Private investigators mean private Pharm-Tards.

This is not a load of crap, I was contacted also. I was asked a lot of questions about my manager and other managers in my area. I was asked if they had favorite reps, if they "played favorites" and how they treated the other reps. This was very easy for me to answer b/c my manager is an ass! I was also asked a lot of questions about PODs and speaker programs along with trackers for those programs. I gave them everything that they asked for and more! From what I understand MD, PA, and NJ are being targeted (more PA and NJ). Total truth here, no BS!

This is not a load of crap, I was contacted also. I was asked a lot of questions about my manager and other managers in my area. I was asked if they had favorite reps, if they "played favorites" and how they treated the other reps. This was very easy for me to answer b/c my manager is an ass! I was also asked a lot of questions about PODs and speaker programs along with trackers for those programs. I gave them everything that they asked for and more! From what I understand MD, PA, and NJ are being targeted (more PA and NJ). Total truth here, no BS!

Seattle, Los Angeles and San Diego are just starting to get to PI inquiries, can't wait for the results"

They should look into the speaking programs and the advisory boards. There are comPliance issues with these activities.

FREE MONEY = Speaker Programs, PODS, took the lions share of the budgeted money...one doc in LA made over $100K for his alleged speaker dates. He should close his practice and be a DSI stooly! West out spent East two to one and that is OK? Gold Crooks?

FREE MONEY = Speaker Programs, PODS, took the lions share of the budgeted money...one doc in LA made over $100K for his alleged speaker dates. He should close his practice and be a DSI stooly! West out spent East two to one and that is OK? Gold Crooks?

Investigators popping up more here on the west coast...two others from LA, one in San fran?! oh ohhhhhhh

FREE MONEY = Speaker Programs, PODS, took the lions share of the budgeted money...one doc in LA made over $100K for his alleged speaker dates. He should close his practice and be a DSI stooly! West out spent East two to one and that is OK? Gold Crooks?

That's nothing. There is bigger money with those cardiovascular advisory boards. The 300 docs meetings in NYC, Miami, and Chicargo are major issue. The doc got from $3000 meeting.

That's nothing. There is bigger money with those cardiovascular advisory boards. The 300 docs meetings in NYC, Miami, and Chicargo are major issue. The doc got from $3000 meeting.

soooooo... did each doc get $10 = $3000, or did each doc get $3000 x 300 docs = $900,000 would be more interesting to this investigator. What were the dates?

Yes, investigator quizzed me about PODS and how to get so many signatures when so few showed up! I only recalled that I couldn't recall. Unless, of course they give me immunity, etc.

A La Ronald Reagan - Iran/Contra

Classic move, works every time. 5th amendment is SO over-rated compared to this life saver.

soooooo... did each doc get $10 = $3000, or did each doc get $3000 x 300 docs = $900,000 would be more interesting to this investigator. What were the dates?

Roughly 1500/doc ad boards. Check with the sales dms and marketing. This happened for Benicar, Azor, and Welchol in 2008 through 2010. They are records with Finance.

Sankyo knew exactly what it was doing w/Benicar. WHY do you think we partnered with ......Forest, of all companies??? It's very simple. We were to get the business one way or another. PODS are FRAUDS no matter how you spin it!

Contacted but PI said only looking into isolated spots where unusal volumes are coming from newly launched products only asked questions about approved messaging etc just stay off the radar don't over excell for now until smoke clears with no fuel fire will die whole thing is crazzzzzzzzzzzy

Great..just contacted here in the Arkansas area...very concerned as I may have said too much...we need to quit buying our business and be honest. I hope I did the right thing?

Physician Opinion Discussion - kind of like a journal club. A group of physicians get together and one presents information / article to the other physicians BUT the drs that we choose never present information they just get together and eat dinner...aka paying drs to write our products!