Any truth to Zimmer's trabecular implant?

If you spent that much time and effort in your job before you were fired you would probably still have a job. Get off the barstool and get back in the game before you actually become a washed up sales guy.

If you spent that much time and effort in your job before you were fired you would probably still have a job. Get off the barstool and get back in the game before you actually become a washed up sales guy.

Boy, this line sure died a quick death. Any more broken implants being reported? If one breaks, can more be far behind......and was it really just one?

There's never just one. There's many. Just a matter of time before the thing has a permanent recall and to this point, people have been indifferent or simply walked away from it. Awful quiet out there...

Honestly, why would any respectable Dr. go to Implant Direct's website to find out anything actually relevant about Dental Implants? The answer is absolutely fucking none of them would. Go crawl back into your cave you maggot.

Thank you for confirming that Zimmer reps have no retort to the Implant Direct analysis of the TM metal other than name calling.

Thank you for confirming that Zimmer reps have no retort to the Implant Direct analysis of the TM metal other than name calling.

I would like Niz to have some real evidence supporting the fact the Trabecular metal is a fraud. Zimmer Orth has been using the structure for 15+ years, pound of studies. You are not getting the response you want because having this info on his website helps with exposure of the product. Who do you think they call when they see the product promoted on their website? Me you moron and then an actual reputable company with a huge medical device backing supports our own evidence.

Niznicks arrogance causes him to believe that doctors will actually believe the bogus press releases and "studies" on his website. The BS about other companies products is the height of arrogance. No one reads it of believes it other than the shit bag nizniclk

I would like Niz to have some real evidence supporting the fact the Trabecular metal is a fraud. Zimmer Orth has been using the structure for 15+ years, pound of studies. You are not getting the response you want because having this info on his website helps with exposure of the product. Who do you think they call when they see the product promoted on their website? Me you moron and then an actual reputable company with a huge medical device backing supports our own evidence.

Ortho success is does not predicate oral/max success. We have all seen this joke of an implants precipitous fall from grace. An overpriced, overengineered, under-researched product.

I would like Niz to have some real evidence supporting the fact the Trabecular metal is a fraud. Zimmer Orth has been using the structure for 15+ years, pound of studies. You are not getting the response you want because having this info on his website helps with exposure of the product. Who do you think they call when they see the product promoted on their website? Me you moron and then an actual reputable company with a huge medical device backing supports our own evidence.

The evidence is the FDA Recall. The evidence is in the fact that the TM implant solves no problem that the Tapered Screw-Vent with its 98% 10 year successful track record has not already solved, while creating problems (fracture, lack of initial stability, potential soft tissue problems, no small diameters, no free-standing in posterior) at a cost of an extra $50 per implant. The evidence is that Implant Direct can post on its website the statements it did because truth is an absolute defense to claims of false advertising...and if they were false, such a posting would expose Implant Direct to litigation so you can be sure the comments were checked for accuracy.

The evidence is the FDA Recall. The evidence is in the fact that the TM implant solves no problem that the Tapered Screw-Vent with its 98% 10 year successful track record has not already solved, while creating problems (fracture, lack of initial stability, potential soft tissue problems, no small diameters, no free-standing in posterior) at a cost of an extra $50 per implant. The evidence is that Implant Direct can post on its website the statements it did because truth is an absolute defense to claims of false advertising...and if they were false, such a posting would expose Implant Direct to litigation so you can be sure the comments were checked for accuracy.

You are obviously too stupid to understand the comment......figures you work fir ID...

The evidence is the FDA Recall. The evidence is in the fact that the TM implant solves no problem that the Tapered Screw-Vent with its 98% 10 year successful track record has not already solved, while creating problems (fracture, lack of initial stability, potential soft tissue problems, no small diameters, no free-standing in posterior) at a cost of an extra $50 per implant. The evidence is that Implant Direct can post on its website the statements it did because truth is an absolute defense to claims of false advertising...and if they were false, such a posting would expose Implant Direct to litigation so you can be sure the comments were checked for accuracy.

Here is what Zimmer Dental Reps need to deal with:

Fast-forward to the end of 2013:
Niznick is out of Sybron Implant Direct just as the lawsuits for patent infringements are hitting. Couldn't happen to a nicer company.
Trabecular Metal Dental Implants have documented blood vessel ingrowth beginning at 2 weeks and bone ingrowth beginning at 3 weeks into the porous material. Periimplantitis tests showed that Trabecular Metal implants are no more susceptible to infection than old-fashioned threaded implants. Tantalum is more biocompatible than titanium, and may or may not have an antimicrobial feature (this is still being investigated). Trabecular Metal more closely matches the elasticity of bone than titanium. Osseointegration is a 2-dimensional attachment between bone and the implant surface. Under loading, differences in elasticity between bone and titanium results in stresses at the bone-implant interface. Over time, this can result in bone loss and implant failure. Trabecular Metal Dental Implants have three-dimensional bone ingrowth and become fully incorporated in the bone. Under loading, tantalum and bone exhibite similar elasticity, so stresses may be minimized or completely eliminated. Read the abstracts at the AO, AADR and SFB meetings for more information.

Fast-forward to the end of 2013:
Niznick is out of Sybron Implant Direct just as the lawsuits for patent infringements are hitting. Couldn't happen to a nicer company.
Trabecular Metal Dental Implants have documented blood vessel ingrowth beginning at 2 weeks and bone ingrowth beginning at 3 weeks into the porous material. Periimplantitis tests showed that Trabecular Metal implants are no more susceptible to infection than old-fashioned threaded implants. Tantalum is more biocompatible than titanium, and may or may not have an antimicrobial feature (this is still being investigated). Trabecular Metal more closely matches the elasticity of bone than titanium. Osseointegration is a 2-dimensional attachment between bone and the implant surface. Under loading, differences in elasticity between bone and titanium results in stresses at the bone-implant interface. Over time, this can result in bone loss and implant failure. Trabecular Metal Dental Implants have three-dimensional bone ingrowth and become fully incorporated in the bone. Under loading, tantalum and bone exhibite similar elasticity, so stresses may be minimized or completely eliminated. Read the abstracts at the AO, AADR and SFB meetings for more information.

What patent suits? Zimmer existed for a decade on the patented products they bought from Niznick. Most of those patents have now expired and Niznick is certainly too smart to want to copy the TM implant after he trashed it.

funny irony

the 3i clown will now be selling the zimmer hunk of crap

you got to love it.

both companies are jokes

if your a doctor why would you not use Nobel Biocare. They have it all

Zimmer rep, we will match all prices. We can't talk about our flagship product because nobody wants to hear about it or can afford it. But we can sell you an inferior product at a fraction of the price. We can beat your implant prices. Actually we can pretty much give you the implants for free. Job security never felt so good..