Any Positive Comments??


Really? You must not work here, or your not a field rep. This place is just a paycheck now to most of us. NSM should be interesting to see how everyone else is. Morale in my district and region is not good.

Well let's see.

-Last time i looked my paycheck was deposited on time.
-We just got a huge performance bonus payout (200% to target on company side).
-Took my kid to the doctor and it turns out we have pretty kick ass insurance.
-I only pay $30 every two weeks for a company car and gas.
-We are going to Las Vegas for a four day meeting all expenses paid.
-I won Cresset this year so I will be heading out for a great (free) trip with my wife in July. -We don't have to go to an office everyday and have some hack asshole standing over our shoulders while we work.
-I'm not putting down hard top in 100 degree summer heat or collecting garbage in the same heat.

All told I think there are some positive things to be said about working at Takeda. We have a ways to go but IF we succeed, we might get back to being a pretty great place to work.

Well let's see.

-Last time i looked my paycheck was deposited on time.
-We just got a huge performance bonus payout (200% to target on company side).
-Took my kid to the doctor and it turns out we have pretty kick ass insurance.
-I only pay $30 every two weeks for a company car and gas.
-We are going to Las Vegas for a four day meeting all expenses paid.
-I won Cresset this year so I will be heading out for a great (free) trip with my wife in July. -We don't have to go to an office everyday and have some hack asshole standing over our shoulders while we work.
-I'm not putting down hard top in 100 degree summer heat or collecting garbage in the same heat.

All told I think there are some positive things to be said about working at Takeda. We have a ways to go but IF we succeed, we might get back to being a pretty great place to work.

Yes, Tom Sawyer, we already know how much you love your job and how you win cresset every year.

Well let's see.

-Last time i looked my paycheck was deposited on time.
-We just got a huge performance bonus payout (200% to target on company side).
-Took my kid to the doctor and it turns out we have pretty kick ass insurance.
-I only pay $30 every two weeks for a company car and gas.
-We are going to Las Vegas for a four day meeting all expenses paid.
-I won Cresset this year so I will be heading out for a great (free) trip with my wife in July. -We don't have to go to an office everyday and have some hack asshole standing over our shoulders while we work.
-I'm not putting down hard top in 100 degree summer heat or collecting garbage in the same heat.

All told I think there are some positive things to be said about working at Takeda. We have a ways to go but IF we succeed, we might get back to being a pretty great place to work.

It will be interesting to see the look on your face when there is no check deposited, your awesome health care coverage vanishes and you are now paying for COBRA, they take "your" car away and the gas due to the fact you have been laid off. Thanks to the leadership of Takeda. Enjoy your all expenses paid "trip" to Vegas. Go crazy in a large conference room listening to Cookie Monster and upper management lie to you all week.

And prepare yourself for the 100+ temperatures when you are looking for a job to lay asphalt.

Yes. I am 100% positive that when Actos goes generic our product portfolio will suck.
Dexilant, Uloric, Amitiza, and Edarbi make me almost positive that another massive layoff will happen.

Really? You must not work here, or your not a field rep. This place is just a paycheck now to most of us. NSM should be interesting to see how everyone else is. Morale in my district and region is not good.

Indeed, this is just a paycheck. I'm only working about 20 hours a week. EDARBI sucks to sell and I'm sick of getting laughed out of offices when I bring it up.

The 200% of the performance bonus was for the executives. They had to share some crumbs with us, while they banked huge money on the 200%. It's sad how they line their pockets at the expense of the future of the company.

I shouldn't complain too much. We are probably the highest paid reps in the industry here at Takeda. Other reps with the same experience at other co's are getting paid at least 20 to 30 percent less than we are.

It will be interesting to see the look on your face when there is no check deposited, your awesome health care coverage vanishes and you are now paying for COBRA, they take "your" car away and the gas due to the fact you have been laid off. Thanks to the leadership of Takeda. Enjoy your all expenses paid "trip" to Vegas. Go crazy in a large conference room listening to Cookie Monster and upper management lie to you all week.

And prepare yourself for the 100+ temperatures when you are looking for a job to lay asphalt.

So here's the thing, the OP asked if we had anything positive to say about Takeda so I posted some stuff. They didn't ask for any negative predictions or whether I would have a goofy look on my face if/when I lost my job. If it happens, I will move on just like I did when my former company laid me off. No big deal. The finances are in order. I've been through it before. Just saying that in a lousy economy and an industry going through some tough times, Takeda is an improvement over where I came from in pharma and a hell of a lot better than unemployment.

So here's the thing, the OP asked if we had anything positive to say about Takeda so I posted some stuff. They didn't ask for any negative predictions or whether I would have a goofy look on my face if/when I lost my job. If it happens, I will move on just like I did when my former company laid me off. No big deal. The finances are in order. I've been through it before. Just saying that in a lousy economy and an industry going through some tough times, Takeda is an improvement over where I came from in pharma and a hell of a lot better than unemployment.

You must have been to hell and back if "the new Takeda" is a step up!

Yes, Tom Sawyer, we already know how much you love your job and how you win cresset every year.

True enough. Maybe if you followed along with Tom you might be making better money, bonuses and you might even get to go to Cresset every once in a while just like EVERY partner he has had since 1999. The guy is a winner plain and simple. Doesn't matter who they stick him with, everyone get's to go along for the ride to Cresset every single year.

It will be interesting to see the look on your face when there is no check deposited, your awesome health care coverage vanishes and you are now paying for COBRA, they take "your" car away and the gas due to the fact you have been laid off. Thanks to the leadership of Takeda. Enjoy your all expenses paid "trip" to Vegas. Go crazy in a large conference room listening to Cookie Monster and upper management lie to you all week.

And prepare yourself for the 100+ temperatures when you are looking for a job to lay asphalt.

cookie monster.....too funny!!!!