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Any good Syneos/GSK stories?


Any good stories from working with GSK? GSK is a mess of a place and any story or experience is welcome. Here are two:

1st: The SEC/Sales Excellence Coaches were from Inventiv back then, it started off serious but quickly became a sham due to GSK steering the unbiased 3rd party reviews they were intended to do. I could tell my coach wanted to actually care, but her report was written for her from what I could tell due to the conflicting work with vs what was reported. Many others have said this as well. It was just a legal window dressing scam system set up to protect the new era of GSK rating system during the change from the government CIA. They just wanted to appear like they changed to the government while going back to old ways.

2nd: My matrix partners treated a Syneos rep like crap. I walked in to an office and they were scared I was there. I comforted them with positive words, because if this is what the partnership was going to be, then I wasn’t gonna treat them bad. I then gave my 2 cents to my FLL about managing expectations for both parties and was told not to worry about them and “work with them”..........Well most reps are punished from what access you may have since are goals are individual and not team/region. It’s been suggested that targets reached should count for the whole team, but the focus on the individual has made the hostility what it has been. That’s why many of you have had issues, GSK set up a system where people compete rather than work together.


I definitely hear you on #2. I never dealt with anything quite like it in my entire career. Like you, I tried my best to work nicely with my GSK partners. But it was hell and they made my life miserable. They tried to micro manage me more than any of my managers ever did. I never understood why such the hate and fear from them? We all had a job to do and all could get laid off at some point.
Shame on GSK for setting up a situation where we were in competition. It was awful and doctors could tell, so why do it that way?
Losing a job is never the preferred choice. I was let go in this round and I am not upset like I have been in the past at other jobs. I loved Syneos, my manager and my team. But I was done with GSK trying to control my life.

So, I was one of the original SECs. Really enjoyed the role even though it seemed crazy to be coaching in districts where managers averaged 6 reps. Never have seen such micromanagement for teams with 10-15 year's experience, and entirely in one disease state. Knew it was clearly over when we were told to forget about "impact", just make sure key words were verbalized.

To the SEC: Was there any coercion to write your reporting accordingly to what the GSK FLL wanted? Many Reps have questioned what was written vs what happened since some SEC ride alongs were very positive until they did the write up.....There was a lot of talk around this

To Syneos rep: GSK is mostly clueless, you can read our board going years back to see all of the mess. So, when they set this up it was bad from the start. It wasn’t set up properly so you had the same goals as if you didn’t exist. Had they factored you in when creating metrics, then the relationship would have been much better......GSK reps get hounded for the smallest thing, so that’s why there’s hostility. Trust me, GSK ppl fought with each other too......It comes from the top from bad leadership. Don’t take it personal as this stems from dysfunction, hope this helps explain the mess better.

just glad that skank K Erdman is gone! she steals your ideas, cannot work with a team because she only looks out for herself not matter whom she destroys to make herself look good although she is incompetent

Good GSK story? Ive been on this contract since day one, a few years ago my FLL received approval to directly hire a rep (which doesn’t happen often). He was tight with the rvp at the time and somehow pulled it off. So... a girl bumped into another FLL in an office and begged for an interview, she had already applied-but was rejected by recruiting the day before she interviewed. The FLL interviewed her anyway and ultimately hired her. He then explained to me that he needed to hire a minority female and she fit the bill (even though she was rejected by recruiting based on her experience and lack of accolades). She only had a couple years experience with a different contract company, single mom, ex-party girl, face piercings and bad tattoos, the whole bit. She couldn’t sell her way out of a wet paper bag-but she was good at being fake and playing the game, so she fit right in.

I was shocked that he admitted to hiring based on looks and not skills.... but that’s how gsk rolls.

Good GSK story? Ive been on this contract since day one, a few years ago my FLL received approval to directly hire a rep (which doesn’t happen often). He was tight with the rvp at the time and somehow pulled it off. So... a girl bumped into another FLL in an office and begged for an interview, she had already applied-but was rejected by recruiting the day before she interviewed. The FLL interviewed her anyway and ultimately hired her. He then explained to me that he needed to hire a minority female and she fit the bill (even though she was rejected by recruiting based on her experience and lack of accolades). She only had a couple years experience with a different contract company, single mom, ex-party girl, face piercings and bad tattoos, the whole bit. She couldn’t sell her way out of a wet paper bag-but she was good at being fake and playing the game, so she fit right in.

I was shocked that he admitted to hiring based on looks and not skills.... but that’s how gsk rolls.
that's how all pharma companies roll