Anyone left in this category who grew up speaking English? CARRING ERI RIRRY!! Come in RIRRY !!!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Mar 02, 2011 at 09:56: PM #1 Anonymous Guest Anyone left in this category who grew up speaking English? CARRING ERI RIRRY!! Come in RIRRY !!!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jun 02, 2015 at 03:04: PM #2 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: Anyone left in this category who grew up speaking English? CARRING ERI RIRRY!! Come in RIRRY !!! Click to expand... So ignorant and racist. You are awesome! At least someone else sees what is going on. But the way research is going today, the Asians can have it. Too much school and training for too few dollars.
Anonymous said: Anyone left in this category who grew up speaking English? CARRING ERI RIRRY!! Come in RIRRY !!! Click to expand... So ignorant and racist. You are awesome! At least someone else sees what is going on. But the way research is going today, the Asians can have it. Too much school and training for too few dollars.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jul 12, 2015 at 03:56: PM #3 Anonymous Guest It is filled with the lowest of intellectually dishonest gutter dwellers, who spend the day surfing asian filth sites rather than doing experiments
It is filled with the lowest of intellectually dishonest gutter dwellers, who spend the day surfing asian filth sites rather than doing experiments