Any customers buying the longevity story?


We have data to prove our longevity and A-CRT is going to extend battery longevity too!

Oh, and hopefully the caps will function after being dormant for several years for that first vf event. This is untested, but we believe.

And we extended our warranties to show that our battery has to last as long as BSX.

And the new shape is awesome and everyone wants it in them.

We rule. You guys suck.

2.2.1 Effect of CareLink monitor transmissions on projected service life for
DR ICD devices
Service life projections in the above table assume a quarterly schedule of Medtronic
CareLink remote transmissions. Additional CareLink remote transmissions will reduce
device service life. For example, a DR patient who receives 0% pacing in all chambers at
60 bpm, 2.5 V amplitude, DDD mode, with 900 Ω impedance, would expect 8.0 years
projected service life. Additional Medtronic CareLink remote transmissions will reduce
service life as follows:
● A single additional transmission will reduce expected device service life by
approximately 1.6 days, or 0.05%.
● Monthly transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service
life by 121 days, or 4%.
● Weekly transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service life
by 479 days, or 16%.
● Daily transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service life
by 1624 days, or 56%.
Clinician Manual Supplement

I enjoy MDT reps talking smack about BIO as old technology.

If BIO is such old technology why is their longevity greater than MDT even with transmitting daily on HM.

Read from their own manual what daily transmissions do to a DR ICD... 56% reduction in battery life.

What a f-cking joke.

2.3.1 Effect of CareLink monitor transmissions on projected service life for
VR ICD devices
Service life projections in the above table assume a quarterly schedule of Medtronic
CareLink remote transmissions. Additional CareLink remote transmissions will reduce
device service life. For example, a VR patient who receives 0% pacing at 60 bpm, 2.5 V
amplitude, VVI mode, with 900 Ω impedance, would expect 9.0 years projected service life.
Additional Medtronic CareLink remote transmissions will reduce service life as follows:
● A single additional transmission will reduce expected device service life by
approximately 1.8 days, or 0.05%.
● Monthly transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service
life by 153 days, or 5%.
● Weekly transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service life
by 597 days, or 18%.
● Daily transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service life
by 1927 days, or 59%.

2.1.1 Effect of CareLink monitor transmissions on projected service life for
CRT-D devices
Service life projections in the above table assume a quarterly schedule of Medtronic
CareLink remote transmissions. Additional CareLink remote transmissions will reduce
device service life. For example, a CRT patient who receives 0% atrial pacing, 100%
biventricular pacing at 70 bpm atrial tracking, 2.5 V amplitude (3.0 V LV amplitude), DDD
mode, with 900 Ω impedance, would expect 6.5 years projected service life. Additional
Medtronic CareLink remote transmissions will reduce service life as follows:
● A single additional transmission will reduce expected device service life by
approximately 1.2 days, or 0.05%.
● Monthly transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service
life by 75 days, or 3%.
● Weekly transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service life
by 308 days, or 13%.
● Daily transmissions over the life of the device will reduce expected device service life
by 1158 days, or 49%.

Particularly like the last page that states please do the least amount as possible to get by so our devices dont seem antiquated.

That's what patients love to hear... just enough to get by.

3 Considerations for optimizing device
longevity when scheduling Medtronic
CareLink remote transmissions
Optimizing device longevity is a desirable goal because it may reduce the frequency of
device replacement for patients. Optimizing device longevity requires balancing the benefit
of device therapy and diagnostic features with the energy requirements placed on the
battery as a result of these features.
When scheduling Medtronic CareLink remote transmissions, be aware that increasing the
frequency of remote transmissions will reduce implanted device service life by
approximately 1 to 2 days for each additional transmission. To conserve battery energy,
schedule the lowest frequency of remote transmissions that still allows for the desired
monitoring of your patient’s device.

Complete joke of a battery. How about that little trick their devices would do where onset egm's were ON at implant and automatically turned onset off at 6 months to preserve longevity. Secret no programming necessary deceptions to "just sneak by." Oh you want onset egm doc, that will be a 1 yr battery hit. What a bunch of idiots...