Anthony M

If you are an average to below average performer, Ashfield is the place for you. No structure, no clearly defined incentive plans, no structured evaluations. All employees make 100% target because leadership is too lazy ( incompetent ) to create a fair system of differential payout or the contracts do not last long enough to create one.
Like clockwork, Assfield Healthscare fumbles an onboarding of reps and managers for Xofluza. They had since August to coordinate Assfield’s operating systems with GNE so training could take place quickly and smoothly. We have only 4 months to sell the drug and it will be Thanksgiving before we can log on to the 5 separate systems needed to complete onboarding and training.

it is like this with all contracts and clients because Assfield is too cheap to pay good reps, trainers and operations managers. You can set your watch to these keystone cops of Pharma.
Still trying to figure out how he became a director. No way to really measure success on his projects. Must be because Hakan likes him because people under his leadership do not like or trust him. All of his projects I have been a part of have been chaotic with higher than average turnover.
Still trying to figure out how he became a director. No way to really measure success on his projects. Must be because Hakan likes him because people under his leadership do not like or trust him. All of his projects I have been a part of have been chaotic with higher than average turnover.

The extremely low pay is the reason for the turnover. Everyone should be looking for better job.